Why did they call the head of HCI to testify at the Ashcroft confirmation hearings?

Master Blaster

New member
Anyone see the cop killer bullet speach given by the HCI president at the Ashcroft confirmation hearing.

"We need laws against cop killer bullets, we need child safety locks for guns, we need stricker laws to keep saturday night specials out of the hands of children
too many innocent children are killing each other with handguns Can someone help me pull my head out of my ass???"

Sounds like a Mantra to me
The chanting makes me want to puke.

What was the HCI nitwit doing at the Ashcroft hearings??

I saw him on CNN along with Teddy's rant.

It must have been the anti rights nuts who called him.


New member
That Great American B*ll-less wonder, Trent "Buffy" Lott, in deep negotiations with the democrats, agreed to share power with said democrats. No one outside the senate knows all the details but the most recent manifestation is the democrats ran the Ashcroft roast. As such they could call whomever they wished.

We outside the beltway have no way of knowing what republicans got in exchange but publically the democrats got control of at least the most controversial appointees.

Can any one explain to me how the majority party can tolerate a spineless politician such as Buffy. The man saw too it clintoon would face no guilty charge in the senate. The man is either scared ****less of conflict (which means he should not be the majority leader) or he is blackmailed with either 8 x 10 glossy photos or a NSA intercept (which also means he should not be the majority leader). In any case, why is that guy in power. Why can't the republicans find someone with a spine and let them engage in the hand-to-hand combat so necessary in modifying democrats' behavior.


New member
The problem wasn't that he was called to testify; that's fair enough. The problem was that Hatch, Sessions, et al. didn't take the opportunity to ambush this airhead. Barnes is a lightweight, always was, because he spends all his time preaching to his choir where he never gets challenged on the facts. The pro-gun rights people had a chance to nail this guy, but they gave him a pass. I started a thread on this a few days ago. It was disgusting. Why didn't they bring John Lott in to answer Barnes, if they weren't willing to do it themselves?


New member
I endured watching these hearings on TV. Hatch had nothing more to say than "I disagree" with Michael Barnes (president of HCI). Barnes spouted crap like "Any junior high school student anywhere could get a handgun within 2 hours. He also stated that the second amendment was about the National Guard, and that, and I quote, "Only 1/100 of 1% of Americans think it has anything to do with keeping private citizens armed for protection against a tyrannical government".

The most stomach turning part was when CA Senator Dianne Feinstein stated that allowing citizens to have concealed weapons permits was the "height of irresponsibility". Of course, we all know that her statement was the height of hypocrisy since she has a CHL.

Makes me sick.


New member
did you notice the Race card being placed by the democrats against Ashcroft?

The gun card didn't work so they tried to paint him as a racist.
