Why can't we stick to the subject?

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New member
It's funny how any discussion of a particular caliber tends to sink to a "my favorite caliber is better than your favorite caliber" rut. It's the old "My dad can beat up your dad" philosophy. It would be refreshing if people could stick to the subject. It may be vailid to compare virtures/failures of the caliber with others, but just saying something like "I like the XXX caliber better" doesn't really tell us anything about what a person feels about the good or bad features of the particular caliber, rifle, etc.

For example, there's presently a thread is about the .22LR and what people think about IT...not what they think about some other caliber, yet people say they would rather shoot something like a whiz-bang .955 Remchester Magnum, or .22333 Screech. Who cares? What is it about the .22LR that you don't like or like? (To bastardize Shakespere: To like the .22 LR, or not to like the .22LR, wasn't that pretty much the question?)

Are we so insecure in our caliber, or gun choices, or so one-dimensional that we have to infuse every discussion with our personal choices and not stick to the question at hand?

If someone wants to talk about some other subject, caliber, rifle, etc...why don't they just start a new thread? Looks like I just did.

Sorry about the rant; some of us older guys get wound up about things.



New member
Are we so insecure in our caliber, or gun choices, or so one-dimensional that we have to infuse every discussion with our personal choices

i have pet theory...that posting on forums....you are really looking at a flat screen, talking to yourself, and freud's ego is working overtime to project something on the world, that is basically full of doooky, and often the actual purpose is to convince you(the person posting) first and foremost. especially when combined with the fact that most of what is posted on forums and the web devil is bunk. kinda like this post right here.

sooo.....you really need a bigger caliber, i prefer .300 WBY Mag for groundhogs and by the way always carry spare backup magazines to the grocery for the .40, or is that for the 9? i forget.


New member
Because we can all find something that will take us off on our own tangent as we try to prove our point. Often times by the 5-6 post the topic is headed that way. I know I'm just as guilty as the next person for doing this on occasion.


New member
ive shot both the screech and the remchester.... i didnt really care for the feel of the screech... but the remchester wasnt really that popular back then..... like they are now.


New member
Bolt Action Comment

Are Bolt action rifles really much more accurate than the Semi?? Just kidding,don't shout or shoot. I have always had the same problem. It seems no matter what the topic someone will point it in A different direction. For instance if you ask what is the best weight bullet for whitetail using A 308 cal. the first reply might be that A 30-06 is much better than the 308 to begin with (just because they use one) and so on.


New member
i have pet theory...that posting on forums....you are really looking at a flat screen, talking to yourself, and freud's ego is working overtime to project something on the world, that is basically full of doooky, and often the actual purpose is to convince you(the person posting) first and foremost. especially when combined with the fact that most of what is posted on forums and the web devil is bunk. kinda like this post right here.

Well said Alloy. I'm saving that.

I think a lot of the time folks try to justify their own purchases by influencing others by telling them what they bought was the best. Certainly ego plays a huge roll in what we write and why we write at all.

You're talking about forum behavior in general, not just firearms, and not just TFL>TH>TAotR.

True, but I find it's a little worse on hunting, gun, shooting forums compared to....bicycling, football forums etc. The absolute worst nitpicking, arguing, beligerant forums I've seen are "optics" forums. Everything in that world is subjective and a lot of the purchases of higher end products certainly are bought for bragging rights.


New member
People like to hear themselves talk (or type). It's a self-importance thing.

If we were all sitting around the campfire with a cold PBR in our hands, they'd be the guys on the fringe of the discussions, who don't own or have used the items being discussed, trying to inject their thoughts on something they have no idea about.


New member
Why can't we stick to the subject?

Because we are not robots and and like in real life conversations tangents do happen and usually are a good thing. Even when they are not most people are capable of separating the wheat from the chaff and ignore the pundits and trolls.

This is the internet anyways what do you expect rational thought and polite logical discourse? Anyways you ever sit around and bullsh#t with a bunch of guys? This is just how people operate the internet just magnifies that douchebaggedness.


New member
It's a good point. I am probably as guilty as the rest of you. I try not to, but I am sure I do. I'm sure projection has something to do with it. I am also sure that some people scan the original question and responses without seriously reading them and just start typing, so you get a "stream of conciousness" type response. As for the 22333 Screech, that sounds interesting, but have you heard of . . . .


New member
God speaks to me via a chat window in my second monitor. He points out various imperfections in other people's posts, and commands me to correct them. I do the work of God!


New member
I would rather shoot a .17HMR. lol. As someone else stated, these things go off on a tangent because real conversations do the same thing. In a real, face to face conversation, there may be two or three or four people on average. On a site like this, there may be fifty or sixty people that choose to chime in. It has an exponentially higher chance of getting derailed.


New member
It would be refreshing if people could stick to the subject.

It would also be pretty darned boring. Thank goodness we cannot stick to the subject.

There are forum nazis, er, moderators out there that delete posts on other boards.


New member
Hey I agree we should stick to the subject at hand!! While we're here tho can someone answer a question I have about ammo?? (oh wait...)

/sarcasm off

I guess it's just human laziness, not wanting to take the time to read an entire thread even though your answer is probably there, or using the search function even though your answer is probably there areyouseeingapattern, or (as a LAST resort) starting a new thread.

IMHO, posting should be kind of a big deal. Careful, and thought out. Lurk moar, kids.

(as an aside, I previewed this post 4 times to make sure)


New member
It would also be pretty darned boring. Thank goodness we cannot stick to the subject.

There are forum nazis, er, moderators out there that delete posts on other boards.

That happens here too. Last week I got one erased and was told there was nothing wrong with it other than it strayed from the subject.:mad:


New member

To continue your Shakespeare analogy, he adds later"...or take arms against a sea of trouble, and by opposing end them..." I wonder if the bard ever thought his rationale would be used in a firearms debate? Maybe he did, otherwise why use the term "arms'? His reasoning is none-the-less appropo: the best way to end the digressions of the many is to act, that is, ignore them and get back to the original subject. Maybe they will eventually get the picture.
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