Why can't we get along? What's with it with us?


Member In Memoriam
See #5k (whatever) post to thread http://www.thefiringline.com:8080/forums/showthread.php?threadid=25066 Protest at CO Guv's House.

I've about had it.

Thread re the latest US Senate trying to do in the bankrupt law for gunowners - GOA's got an e-mail alert out PDQ - NRA = zip.

We do a great grass-roots protest & we've got bickering between different factions of Gun Rights organisations on whether or not they'll participate.

NRA backs "common sense gun saftey laws" at CO level legislative debates & another group stands fast on the 2nd - totally in opposition.

We're at each others' throats & (as a guy on the radio says) "we conservatives couldn't organise a meeting of five guys at the Budweiser brewery."

You betcha & let's debate this stuff to the nth degree - I like it! I've learned so much from the debates in TFL even as a lurker to specific posts. We have the absolutely finest minds available - bar none - great discussions. & it assists greatly in my own opinion formulations. (still undecided on some issues, as you can tell by my posts), however, &

But, what the hell are we doing with it?

We bicker while the antis strip it away & we debate fine points. Or actively dissuade participation due to personal conflicts.


Mr Franklin, I believe, said it very well indeed: "Either we hang together or we shall certainly hang separately."

Enough, indeed!


New member
Divide and Conquer

We are being divided and will be conquered, mark my words. The anti gunners know exactly what they are doing.


Moderator Emeritus
We are a cantankerous and independent lot, and unfortunately we still have our own biases, agendas and moral strictures.
Liberals view things different, they view the long term progress. We tend to want it our own individual way right now. The liberals will win if we don't change.

They go for incrementalism...a lot of us won't vote for an RKBA type if they are pro-choice or not anti-gay or whatever.
I really believe that alot of us are no better, just as socialist as the liberals, just in different areas. There are alot of us who wish to control folks as much as the liberal socialists do. Just as the anti-RKBA types don't understand the 2nd A, some of us do not understand the 1st A.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!


New member
Hear, hear, DC.

I just posted how I was called a traitor because I don't back the right Republican candidate. I served my country, and I firmly believe in RKBA, but this is nonsense. It is kiddie-time, and we're loosing our rights. We, gunowners, are pissing our rights away.

You're correct when you say this is like the far left. When I returned from Vietnam, I finished college in Berkeley. I was treated as a traitor there. What's the difference. Not a whole lot that I can see. Only the issues.



New member

You are correct, Sir.
I have felt that way for a long time now.

The Antis are content just to chip away a little at a time, until there's nothing left of the RKBA. They are certainly in no hurry.

We, on the other hand, tend to bicker with one another waiting for some momentous event to happen that will galvanize the rest of the country to our side.
It ain't gonna happen that way.

Keep an eye peeled towards the Left Coast.
Kalifornia today, tomorrow the rest of us.

Sometimes I feel like one of Custer's troopers at the Little Big Horn.
Getting picked off one by one.... :(

...defend the 2nd., it protects us all.
No fate but what we make...

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Kinda makes you wonder just how in the hell the founding father were able to do it... Get everyone to sign the Declaration. Amazing. Just Amazing.

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some
moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!


New member
Just because we support the 2nd does not mean that we implicitly own the moral high ground or will be surrounded by reasonable people. The RKBA is easily polarized into a "selfish" cause. To wit: I would suspect there are very few within our ranks that support the idea but do not wish to own guns themselves.

Equally, there are some among us who, like those illustrious CA legislators, would trade away others gun rights as long as they could still CCW.

It should come as no surprise that you cannot escape human nature, even among those who seek to support a lofty goal.

der Schueler


New member
call it Alpha status belligerence
call it lone wolves don't flock
call it difficulty in expressing an argument in ASCII

we are an independent lot here and this medium
is a bit tough to express being annoyed at the system without coming across as annoyed at the messenger.

if we were all in a room discussing this we might be able to defer to a leader but here in UBB world we are all kinda soloing.

Maybe we should diffuse aggression thru comic relief a bit more.
;) & :eek: help but
if you get too serious about rebutting my comments i am going to strap you in a comfy chair! and i do have the stuffing all lodged up in one end!

Usually we would meet and body language and speaking rhythms would mediate our conversation. Here we post and read something that someone wrote in reference to a whole sociological background that we share but can not "grok" immediately. Then our pride gets wounded and we zing one back over the firewall.

The sheeple stand about and encourage each other with bleetings of mutual terror. I watched the Rosie boards for awhile last year and the sickening goodie two shoes banal rah rah crap over there made me quite queasy.

We are howling against the moon on our own bluff. I hear a lot of saber rattling yet there is no one leader to gather us into political battle formation.

We (very loosely applied)
don't vote
don't leverage
don't rally
don't recruit
don't join

Maybe we should agree to disagree about more general issues but have some sort of a code we can agree on.

Edit your sig to say you signed the code and we can start to recognize our similarities.

i for one believe that:
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for people to retain their
right to keep and bear arms is as a last resort to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
-- Thomas Jefferson



Member In Memoriam
I wasn't so much griping about us in TFL but mroeso re the various gun rights groups.

Had to vent last night after getting some e-mail from a leader of CO's "reasonable gun lobby." Sheesh.

"They" won't get involved with the protest at The CO Guv's Mansion because they might be tainted by association with "the crazies."