Why are Glock owner so emotional.. part 2


New member
I own a glock [M-20] and 1911 style weapon[Para] BOTH have good qualities and bad as well.

It boils down to personal preference.. period. I carry a Glock on duty and Para for personal carry, feel well armed with either.

Glock owners are just sick of thier weapons trashed and bashed on the I - net. I've also seen some rabid 1911 owners on this and other boards defending the "virtue" of thier beloved weapons also.

Lets all take a chill pill.. "can't we all just get along.. golly jeeze... :)"

James K

Member In Memoriam
The Glock is a fine gun. It is reliable, durable and (with training) adequately safe. It's trigger safety, IMO, is purely for PR; the purpose of a manual safety is to prevent the gun from firing if the trigger is accidentally pulled, and the Glock safety does not do that.

It is impossible to compare a Glock with a "1911" for durability and reliability, since the term "1911" has no meaning today. Glocks are made in one factory, under one quality control system, by a company that backs its products.

There was only one Model 1911 and Model 1911A1. Those guns had the highest quality, and the greatest durability and reliability, but they are no longer made. The term "1911" now is applied to guns which are often thrown together from parts bought all over the world, and made as cheaply as possible. The guns being sold today as "1911s" range from excellent to total junk.

I am a Glock owner but not a Glock "fanatic". But it is hard to go wrong with a Glock.



New member
I have to agree 100% with what you wrote! Whether some one perfers a 1911 or a glock is not even my concern. I just have a problem with group labling and postings that put others on the defensive. (" oh gee i'm not radical but I love my glock Ect.)


I respect your chioce for a defensive and target arm. The wilson you mentioned cost a lot of money however. The 1991-a1 Colt much less, if you can find them. The 1991 is not that accurate compared to the wilson, but for combat it is fine. I do like your torture test however and I may start to do this with all my guns.

I had a stainless Colt 1991-a1 and after a reliability job, it was o.k. Unfortunatly I had to sell it....wish I did not have to. Still I am very pleased with my G17....and looking back would still have sold the Colt for the simple fact that the Glock had too many Standard (17 rnd) mags that I liked...
IZZY :cool:


Staff Alumnus
That's what I like about Glocks, availability of hi-caps. The 1991A1 is not nearly as accurate as my Wilson but it goes bang everytime. I may consider getting another G17. I sold a Generation I last year. If all goes well with my "re-aquaintance" with my G30, I'll buy a 17.

1911 Addiction
"A man with one friend is a million times richer than a man with a thousand aquaintances."

[This message has been edited by ArmySon (edited June 19, 2000).]


New member
I think some Glock owners just get tired of unwarrented trashing of a fine gun. I react the same way when someone trashes any great gun, not just Glocks. :)


New member


New member
Why Glock owners get so emotional :confused:
Maybe their shorts are just a tad to tight :D

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.

[This message has been edited by loknload (edited June 19, 2000).]


New member
Why are they so emotional? They feel that if someone dosen't like a Glock, they are doubting the decision that they made to buy one.

I own both revolvers and 1911's. I love them (1911's). However, no gun is perfect for everyone. I know that the Kimber that I own is not the same gun J. Browning designed decades ago. I wouldn't want it to be. It is better in some ways, and worse in others.

Neither is a Glock the perfect weapon (sorry Church of Glockers, it's true). If it was, all other gun makers would be out of business. I personally don't like the way they feel or shoot. However, I was in the service back when you were given a .45 ACP, and I learned to shoot an automatic with one.

J. Browning designed the 1911 for total reliability; you could literally abuse the gun and it would still fire every time. Todays 1911's are designed more for accuracy, and are still VERY reliable. You just can't get everything out of one gun.

Glock's are designed with the same concept as the original 1911's; they were designed for the military, so dependability is more important than accuracy (sorry COG'ers). I think that had J. Browning had access to modern materials, he would have designed the 1911's differently, although he would probably not have designed a Glock.

If you like the way a Glock looks/shoots/feels or whatever, then it is the right gun for you. They are dependable and reliable to a fault (by reputation). I have tried shooting them, with no success. I also don't like the Beretta 92fs, for what it is worth.

When you get right down to it, if you want a more reliable weapon to carry or for house defense, you will buy a high quality revolver. Yes I know about the timing problems that some have had; they are the exception. Once again, a good pre-ban S&W or other top notch revolver is not perfect. But to reach for something that just HAS TO WORK, you know that a revolver will.

Let the flames begin!!!



New member
I'm a Sig fan and I don't care for Glocks because I don't like the ergonomics or the feel. I don't think they're ugly, like that should matter, and I do like the concept, trigger never bothered me. While I prefer Sig, I own other guns as well and I think we're lucky to have so many good guns to choose from.

Perhaps Glock owners get a lot of heat on the internet. However, I've found the opposite to be true in real life. I've lost count of the number of derragotory comments I've gotten about my Sigs like, "what a waste of money for a gun that will crack" or the Glockers walking around with their Glock T-shirts, give you that nose-in-the-air I'm above you look all the while thinking their **** doesn't stink. In my area, there aren't a lot of Sig owners but many Glock owners.

This isn't a flame merely a different representation of what the majority here is saying. I know not all Glock owners are that way but I have had unfortunate run-ins with several who are. It'd be nice if people just use what they want and leave it at that. Regardless of the brand I'm always curious to see what other people are shooting, it enhances the sport. But to get defensive or offensive about a pet brand of gun doesn't do much for any of us. Instead of insulting other gun owners go insult a politician.


New member

Hows this for a "flame".

I cant wait for my Stainless .45LC Ruger Redhawk to get out of the shop I sent it to for a trigger Job. I hope to carry this on rainy days.

Otherwise a flat Glock or ppk ( O.K. ArmySon substitute with 1911) fits better for carry. For home defense that Redhawk may also come in handy...


New member

My brother loves those Sigs. I must say I took up his 226 and was able to shoot more accurately than with my Glock. However with practice I am sure I can make almost as good groups with the Glock. Still that Sig is a very Natural and easy gun to shoot. Too bad it has a bit more tendancy to rust than the Glock and costs a bit more....

Hard Ball

New member
Because they are a persecuted religious minnority who fall down and worship evil foreign plastic framed guns, and, worst of all they do not worship JOHN BROWNIG, therefore their evil guns shall go KaBoom unto the third and fourth generation and they shall be cast into outermost darkness and only if they harken unto the words of Jeff Cooper will they be saved!

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!


New member
I just prefer Sigs but I think I could get used to Glocks. I wouldn't mind collecting all of them after I get all the Sigs :) Can't ever have too many guns.

Rainbow Six

New member
I've said it before and I'll say it here again...

I can't speak for the majority but most of my more "radical" Glock rants are intended as humor and their only purpose is to solicit a response from people who take things a little too seriously. :)

Shoot what you shoot well and like. There is NO best gun for everyone. I prefer Glocks. You guys can shoot whatever piece of overpriced piece of junk you want. :D (NOTE: See previous paragraph before responding to this statement! :D)

...Faster than a speeding ticket...

The Glock freak formerly known as Chris...

D Crockett

New member
Like Rainbow Six said, shoot what is best for you. There is no such thing as one perfect gn for everyone. If there was, we'd all have the same opinion on things, and wouldn't that be a bore.(can you imagine having the same opinion on things as Bill"the factually challenged"Clinton...)


As an engineer, I love the design of the glock, although I think the trigger safety isn't worth much(if my child was going to pull the trigger, he'd pull the little safety too). I dont shoot them as well as my Kimber but you just have to love the simplicity and function of this pistol. They are just great for what they are made for, even if not very pretty. But to me, the engineering and fuction of them makes them very attractive. I've owned two, traded them, and still find myself wanting another.

I would guess that people who appreciate these things about them are quite serious about it as those are the things that really matter in a carry piece.

We should be thankfull that we still have the freedom to chose from a variety of good gns.


"It is surely time to stand for truth and your rights, or sit down in subjection"-me

Rusty S

New member
The guns that won the west were the rifle and shotgun.

The SAA, The M&P or OP, or 32/380 pocket pistol still do the jobs they were designed to do as well as they ever did. So do the 45 auto and the Hi-cap 9. In fact better now than ever before with the advent of reliable controlled expansion rounds.

Last I heard, the M-1 carbine loaded with softpoints that feed does it's job better too.

I had 1911's. I had DAO 9's. I still have an SAA 45, 38 M&Ps and OP's, and snubbies and pocket pistols.

25 years ago, my best friend and I belonged to the gun of the month club. Today, when he and my wife's best friend ( his wife ) drive a hundred fifty miles to see each other, the vehicles carry lever actions ( his 30-30, mine 44mag. ). See what 25 years accumuating knowlege on each of our parts does?


New member
Anything built in 1911 (pistol or cartridge) is an antique.
A copy of anything built in 1911 is a copy of an antique.

Over the years improvements have been made to both pistols and cartridges. To ignore this fact is to close your mind.

I might own a car or a radio or even a pistol from 1911 but it ain't the one I will use when I'm serious about driving, listening to music, or shooting.

And I'm always emotional when I'm in love.

At least, that's how I see it.

[This message has been edited by suckersrus (edited June 24, 2000).]


New member
Well I used to look down on Glocks and Glock owners. I always thought they were over priced and ugly looking. Then I fired a Glock 17 and shoot a 2" group @ 15 yards on my very first try!! Never have I had a pistol that fit my hands SO well! Guess what my next pistol purchase will be. :D


PS. oh yea, and I learned not to judge eather. :eek: