Why are Colt Troopers so cheap?


New member
I've been looking at revolvers, and I've seen a lot of Colt Troopers for less than $500. Considering the huge cost of even lower end Pythons, I'm a little leery. I really want to like this gun, as I've shot a DS and loved it, I really would like to own a Colt. Is there anything I should be leery of with this model? Also, anybody ever handled a Colt Lawman?


New member
The Trooper is an excellent gun(any Colt based on the old 41 frame is a great gun)..it is because they haven't become popular with collectors..it is not because they aren't terrific guns...


New member
I bought a Trooper a couple of years ago for $325. You still should be able to get one for well under $500. The Colt Trooper and the Colt Lawman are the best kept secret in Internet Gunland.

Aspen is right! For some reason they haven't become a collectors item yet. Don't just look, handle that sucker and you will notice the great balance and smooth action. Shoot it and you will find it accurate, reliable, and fun to shoot.

I have several guns I would rate a slight notch higher than the Trooper. My Python$$$, my SW 29-2$$$, and maybe my SW 19$$$.

Good luck...


New member
Many made and it's easy to find one that was rarely used. One of the best deals out there these days in a reliable used revolver.


New member
My Dad still has ,and shoots his Trooper from his days as a Policeman. Still a tack driver. I've gotten to shoot it periodically since I was 7 yoa. Wonderful revolver. It will outlast me. Regards 18DAI.


New member
Keep in mind that there are TWO "Trooper" revolvers.

The true Trooper was made from 1954 to 1969, and is basically the same gun as an Official Police or Python.
The original Trooper is often known as a "Poor man's Python" since it is basically the same design.

The gun VERY often mis-labeled as a "Trooper" is really the Colt Trooper Mark III and Mark V.
These guns were made from 1969 to the mid-1980's and are TOTALLY different designs, completely unlike the Python.

The original Trooper is a "sleeper", since most people really don't know much about them.

A fixed sight version of the Trooper Mark III and Mark V was the Lawman.
This was available in both the Mark III and Mark V versions, and in both a four inch and a two inch barrel, both in .357 Magnum.

These later Colts, culminating in the final version, the King Cobra, are very possibly the strongest mid-frame double action revolvers ever made.

The original Trooper is an extremely high quality revolver, and was a favorite of sheriff's departments in the 50's and 60's.
If you just can't swing a Python, the old model Trooper is an excellent substitute.
In fact, in the early 1970's, with Pythons being difficult to get, a number of custom gunsmiths converted Troopers into Python's by welding up the front of the frame's top strap to match the Python barrel,fitting a Python barel, tuning the action to Python standards, and giving it a Python quality blue job.

These "Troop-On's" or "Pooper's" are difficult to identify except by checking the serial numbers for Trooper or Python ranges.

In either the original Trooper or the later Trooper Mark III, these make exceptional guns, with quality unmatched by todays revolvers.

charlie in md

New member
I guess I have a "Pooper"

I bought a used "hybrid" about 12 years ago. It has a Trooper frame (which I didn't know was the original type until I reently replaced the mainspring), mated to a Python Hunter barrel. It is extremely accurate, and very smooth.


New member
Here are some pictures of an uncommonly seen(Mint, NIB)specimen of an 1950's vintage, Colt trooper .22. These pictures will take you back in time, so you can see how nice these old Trooper's were made, when they were new?:





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First handgun I ever bought

was a Colt Trooper MKIII. Still the second best revolver I own... after my S&W #19.


New member
The Mark III's were not very popular when they were made. Many people bought Diamondbacks instead of the Mark III in 22. Colt had other models in 38/357 at the time as well. Price has been slowly rising on them as with all Colts. They are excellent revolvers. I shoot a 6" 357 version frequently and it shoots well.


New member
Troopers and Lawmans rock. I had them both and loved them, but I have a turnaround problem. Everytime I turn around I want another gun. So they were both sold. I have a 19-3 snubbie in nickel now. I love it ,but still miss the colts.


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How I uploaded my pictures!

Hello Bullrock:

I went to www.photobucket.com and once you have posted your pictures there(Very easily!)to this picture host, once you are viewing your uploaded picture album here-then, underneath each of your pictures, you will see three different lines of codes! All you need to do to get your pictures from there to any of the gun forums, is to point your mouse arrow to the very bottom code(for each individual picture that you want to post on these forum(s)!)then, press Ctrl + C(On your keyboard)and then, you will see that line turn blue! Next go to your posting on any particular gun forum, and point your mouse arrow to a blank space directly underneath your text and then press Ctrl +V(On your keyboard)and then once you have done this, you will see the code for each individual picture that you want to post on the forum in question(Like TFL)to appear. Lastly, once you have submitted your forum posting, your pictures will appear wherever these codes were shown! If something should happen to go wrong to cause your picture(s)code not to show up-then, just go back to www.photobucket.com and follow the above proceedure again? It's an very easy way to get pictures posted on www.photobucket.com1 I always use this picture host-in view of how easy this is to do!:eek: :D As a hint, I like to first post my next on whatever gun forum that I'm working with-and then to put this on a button at the bottom of my screen and then go to www.photobucket.com and put my picture album also on a button at the bottom of my screen! In this way, it makes it easy to jump back and forth between the gun forum I'm posting on and on to www.photobucket.com where my picture(Or, pictures)are uploaded from(To the particular gun forum you are wanting to post these picture(s))as already noted!


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You are most welcome! I'm glad that you had found(And discovered!)how neat this website operates for getting your pictures posted on the forums almost immediately! Now, I'm gonna settle back in my computer chair, and watch for your Matinee?:D :D :D :p