Why all the Judge hate?

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New member
First let me say that I do not own a Taurus Judge, nor do I want one.

I just want the despisers of the Judge to articulate to me why they hate it.

I know its a revolver that shoots .45 Colt and .410 Shotgun shells. Its got a long cylinder, but its not super funny lookin'. So why all the jokes and scorn? I honestly don't get it. :confused:

Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
Part of it is Taurus' long-standing reputation for low quality. I thought that was exaggerated until I went to work in a gun shop, sold some, and watched them come back for remedial work.


It doesn't have a defining purpose... well maybe it does but its purpose is not in line with what most people want.


New member
Its the best selling gun in their lineup. Having said that, I wouldn't have one if you gave it to me!! It just goes to show you that a lot of people who are into guns and shooting are just as susceptible to silliness and marketing hype as people who are into any other form of recreation. ;)


New member
In my opinion, First off its a Taurus.......had enough of those in the family to know to stay away from them. Second, to me, it is butt ugly. Thirdly, they dont seem to pattern shot very well, and accuracy with the .45 Colt is less than stellar.

I don't like them and will never own one.........but if you do, thats great.....for you.


why all the jokes and scorn?

I can't help myself: If I see somebody doing something stupid (especially if they are doing it because they think it's "cool" and they think it's "cool" because their peers think it is "cool"), I gotta point and laugh!

I feel the same about the Jersey guys with the orange skin and the moussed hair, the idjits with pants so saggy they have to hold them up with one hand, etc....... and come to think of it, fake tans and hair goo won't get you killed in a gunfight.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Fake tans and hair goo = speaker of the house? :D


Some of the Taurus debate is not that it could be a fun gun but it's push as the ultimate SD gun with super stopping power and not needing to aim. Or the use of birdshot as some kind of less than lethal round at a distance.

Very confused SD presentation that is attractive to newbies. That offends tactical purists who like guns that you can aim with precision.

That's the story.


New member
I don't really have anything against the gun, only the marketing that tries to make a .410 revolver sound like some super self defense weapon of doom.


New member
The key word in your question is hate. To cover the many reasons for it isn't possible in a simple post. It is however, widespread here.


New member
Large, ugly, inaccurate, and generally a poor second choice for everything for which it was built. The real topper is that American Rifleman named it handgun of the year in 2008. :barf:


Large, ugly, inaccurate, and generally a poor second choice for everything for which it was built.

That, combined with the Sooperdooper Self Defense Wondergun sales pitch, pretty much sums it up.

Ugly? I don't care about ugly. Glocks are ugly, but they work well for what they were designed to do ...... but then again, the Judge is doing what it was designed to do: take suckers' money.

The real topper is that American Rifleman named it handgun of the year in 2008.
American Rifleman's shark jumping moment, that.

...you don't 'spose it had anything to do with the amount of advertising Taurus was doing? The only other logical thing I can figure is that it was the only entry in the contest.......


New member
Sorry for my Judge ignorance

I knew very little about the Judge when I started this thread. It was just something I ignored, because it didn't interest me. I had only recently noticed all the derision cast upon it. So I had know idea that it was being marketed as an uber defense weapon. :barf:

I'm still not certain making fun of its appearance, or its purchasers is the way to go. However, I do believe people, at least those that will listen to reason; should be informed of its short comings as a defensive weapon.


New member
I just want the despisers of the Judge to articulate to me why they hate it.

I don't hate it, I just think that while it does a lot of things, it doesn't do any one thing very well. Couple that with the fact that it has only a "fair" track record of reliability and you've got a gun that leaves most of us scratching their heads in wonder.


New member
I own several Taurus revolvers and autos. They all work just fine. Does Taurus build some duds? Sure they do. So does S&W, Ruger, Kahr, and etc, etc. Don't believe me? Just go to the forums and read. You'll find all kinds of problems being talked about no matter what the brand is. All a buyer can do is first do your homework about the particular gun your are thinking of buying to make sure it's getting good reports from the field. Second is to inspect the particular gun you are about to purchase to make sure it is free of defects. I have followed these rules and had very few problems with any gun I purchase no matter what brand it is.


New member
While I don't hate the Judge, I just have no use for it. What's it for?

Self defense against a two legged critter would be better handled by any number of conventional handguns with JHP ammo. I wouldn't chose a .410 for a personal defense shotgun, why in the world would putting it in a hangun make it effective with buck or slug?

Snakes? If a snake is close enough to be a threat to you it can be easily dispatched by a CCI shotshell from a .38, .44, .45 and yes, even the lowly .22.


New member
In tests here on the farm, a friend's Judge would not penetrate a fence rail (1x6) at 5 yds distance with Federal buckshot rounds. The .45 LC loads, cowboy ammunition, keyholed at that same distance.

The trigger pull was enormous; his wife basically unable to pull it.

Overall quality was very poor.

And finally, ta dah, it's without a doubt, the ugliest hand gun I've ever seen. An advertising gimmick if I've ever seen one.

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