Why 9MM is considered LOW Caliber cartridge


New member
The recent Gun Safety Seminar and Qualifying Target Shooting I had attended last week clasify the 9MM pistol as a low caliber.

If that is the case, why should they issue these pistols to LE or Military agencies? instead of improving the .45 they go back to the old 9mm cartridge.

Rainbow Six

New member
Because "big bore" isn't the only way to get the desired results.



stdalire if I recall correctly in a previous thread you mentioned that your government there allows you only two guns. One in a "lower" caliber and one in a "large" caliber. It is possible that the description of the 9mm as being "low" merely serves to define the "political" parameters sent forth by the governemnt rather than "stopping power".
Personally I consder the 9mm as a low caliber but then I prefer larger calibers.


TFL End of Summer Meet, August 12th & 13th, 2000


New member
Gunslinger, I affirm to what you have said that my gov't classification for the 9mm will serve to define the "political" parameters rather than "stopping power", and also, it is true we are allowed for 2 pistols only.

It was discussed by the training officer that they considered also the .22 LR as highpowered if the pistol or rifle has the capability to be fully automatic. Is that a logical reasoning?

Rainbow Six, in what instance the "big bore" isn't the only way to get the desired results.



New member
You can have fully auto? I am so enious, even if you can have only 2 handguns... oooo.
Isn't there anyplace in this world with "perfect" guns laws (ie, NO gun laws)


New member
I think Yeman has no weapons laws at all. Check out the latest National Geographic. You can buy grenades ($4) and AKs in the marketplace. Everyone carries. Though I don't think it's a great place to live.


New member
We found the .38 calibers ( in a weaker loading of course) to be inadiquite agianst gurrila forces in the philipines. Scince then any thing under the .45 has benn loked at askance untill recently. ( I love the luger round, however if I had a chioce i'd take a belt fed submachine gun in .45 colt not that stuby imposter "acp")...

I think Yemen would be a great place to live if you are moslem! If you have the money you could have four subserviant wives, forty kids, a horse ( the ultimate SUV) and all the goodies....



New member
The 9mm cartridge is nothing more than a metric 38spl. Same bullet diameter, and weight spread. I am having the same discussion with someone over at weapons forum.

Defend the Constitution from the foreign threat!!!!


New member
Im sorry you got it all wrong. THE 9MM is a medium loaded 357. not a .38spl the 9mm excedes the .38 by a big margin. for those of you that believe in stopping power.............. I will stop right there . Its been argued enough.!!!!!!!!!

Glocks are not perfect, just better than every other handgun.


New member
I could be wrong but I think that in this case "low" simply refers to bullet diameter without reference to effectiveness. A .223 is also "low" but most would say it's reasonably effective. Anyhow, that's how I would read that.
