Who's the best Walmart employee to buy 9mm ammunition from?

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I say it's that freckle faced kid with the John Deere cap and tattoo of the Monitor sinking....

I'm hoping this thread will distract everyone and let the "best gun under" threads fade into a distant memory......


The one with the keyring around his/her wrist. Otherwise they spend an hour asking "Who has the keys?"


New member
Buy from the one that asks "FMJ or JHP?"
Do not buy from the one that asks, how about this box, it says mm on it too?" :rolleyes:


New member
The Beauty who got moved temporarily from the Jewelry/Perfume section to Sporting goods. No..not that one Mamm...the one all the way on the bottom. Hmmm..this one isn't the one I wanted..could you please get that box next to that one?...hmmm..this isn't the one either...

Ya know..this could go on forever...:D

Good Shooting

george miller

New member
walmart ho hum

im glad im not alone in feeling walmart aint the best place. i have bought stuff there and it once took them 45+ minutes to find a key to give me a refund.this was after i waited in line for a half an hour.they dont take alot of stuff back either-been stuck with junk.

Mal H

This is getting ridiculous. These threads combating the under $XXX threads are worse offenders than the original threads. Closed.
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