Whoops! Crash! Unexpected Breakage in a Pistol


New member
So... I found out what happens if you drop a loaded P3AT magazine on a hard surface: the grip extension snaps right off! Thank goodness they're cheap... I ordered a replacement and it should arrive in a week or so. Anybody else had a surprise like that? I really didn't expect the thing to break that easily.


New member
Just imagine shooting a gun and having the bottom of the magazine fall out. Now that is an unplesant surprise!

michael t

New member
You should not need to wait a week or so for a little part that can be mailed for a 1 or 2 stamps. That's not service. I will buy nothing from KT I order a pocket clip for P-32 . Charged it and didn't think about even asking price or shipping . I had bought before and in mail box couple days. I wait a week then called . They said UPS :eek: would be delivering next day . I asked why UPS . Woman said to many complaints about post office. The UPS bill was more than the clip cost it was right at 18 bucks.:barf: Never again I complained to KelTec. They never answered 1 email . I have my dealer order and I buy from him .If I want something from KelTec.


New member

I did the same thing a bunch of years ago with the magazine grip extension to my S&W 469. I lucked out then, the extensions were only around, $1.25 I bought 10 of them. Well last week I was teaching my wife on her new to her 469 (Deja Vu all over again:D), Kinda glad I bought them
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The Real Wyatt

New member
Kenno said:
30 years on and PPL still buy that junk?"

Your mispelling of Taurus left out the most important thing ... U. You need to put the U in Taurus and you'd probably change your mind. I doubt you've ever owned or fired a Taurus firearm.

I have, and have had for a nuber of years, quite a few Taurus guns and they all work flawlessly, each and every one of 'em. I have only had a problem with ont Taurus gun and that problem was caused by my misuse/mistreatment of the gun. Taurus repaired that gun for free; their Customer Service rates A+ in my opinion (which is the ONLY opinion that carrys any weight with me).

One of my all time favorite guns is my Taurus PT-1911. It has become my EDC gun.