Whoo Hooo! New Makarov!!!


New member
Boy, this must be the weekend for buying new Makarovs. Anyway, all of you must be thinking "Oh God, there's 'ol denfoote again with another new Makarov". We all have to crow just a little bit when we aquire a new addition to our collections. This completes mine. (for now) I just bought a NIB Norinco Type 59. I now have representatives from all the countries that made the Makarov. Hey, cheap collecting!!!!!


New member
All this talk about Makarovs and I have never even seen one. I have read a couple articles about how they are one of the best "cheap" guns for self-defense. Do they come in 9mm Luger. Seems like I saw an add in Shotgun News for one in 9x18. Anyway can anyone post a pic of there Makarov?


New member
Congradulations, I have never seen a Chinese Mak before. I suppose I would buy one too if I saw one at a reasonable price. How many different Maks are there ? I have a Bulgarian, a Russian, and an East German. You don't have to apologize for bragging about your new toy. We enjoy hearing about it. How is the fit and finish ? Have you shot it yet ? Let us know all the details.


New member
How is the fit and finish ? Have you shot it yet ? Let us know all the details.I have never seen a Chinese Mak before

444, therein lies the rub. Not to many of these made it over before our dear departed President saw fit to protect us from ourselves, (and the children, of course :rolleyes: ) by banning their importation. :mad: This thing really is NIB!!!! The pistol came with a cleaning rod, the original fixed sights; which I had the gunsmith install already (in place of the cheesy adjustable ones they put on to garner ATF :barf: points), and two serial number matched magazines; all wrapped in wax paper, and plastic. I really don't need to shoot it. ;) If anybody with reference books is listening, please tell me the current value of this baby!!!! The fit and finish are every bit as good as my EG, or Bulgie. The trigger pull is horrendous, though. If I decide to fire it, I'm sure it will smooth out. ;)


New member
probably you have almost same as mine, mine is chinese makarov .380 serial # A02xxx factory 56.
when I bought it, it came with NIB original condition, box, manual,cleaning rod, 2 magazine with matching serial number, small screw driver to adjust sight, one more sight. (one magazine is still in plastic wrap)
when I bought it last year, I thought it used, so I shot thru almost 200 rds already. but, I think now it was NIB :D
I bought more magazine and magazine loader from www.makarov.com, that magazine loader really helps.


New member
...probably you have almost same as mine, mine is chinese makarov .380 serial # A02xxx factory 56.
Almost. Mine is chambered in 9mmMak, though. :) I have one .380 Makarov. That's enough.

7th Fleet

New member
I have two East German Maks and one Russian high cap .380 and they are great guns. I too will buy a Norinco, which is susposed to be scarce, if I can ever find a deal on one.


[Edited by 7th Fleet on 05-28-2001 at 09:13 PM]


New member
Congrats Denfoote!
I think I'll have to start filling in the wholes in
my (budding) Mak collection now that I like my first
so much! I did not even know that there was a Chinese Mak.