WHOO-HOO LGS good price on the 930...


Staff In Memoriam
Well I went ahead and called my most local LGS to give them the opportunity to bid on the sale of the 930 I want. The first "sorta local" LGS quoted me $40 (their transfer fee price) more than the Bud's price for a total of $501.00 plus tax and call in.

This much closer shop is usually quite close to MSRP and won't budge much on their asking.

I was shocked when they whipped a quote of $485 + tax and call in. I did ask if they had any wiggle room on that and as I expected there isn't but for a simple $14 bucks more than a massive online seller... Ya'll know I am goin' to them!

Seems the Father's Day Fairy is smilin' on me today!!!:D

Wish me luck!!! It is all done but the final "negotiation" with "Momma war Bucks" aka... Butt Kissin'!



Staff In Memoriam

Count, I am lookin' at the 85120 which is the walnut and blue with 26" barrel. I wish they had a shorter field gun but I am not willing to trade classy wood and blue for a shorter barrel.;)

Call me picky but this is the only long gun purchase I have considered in MANY years.

It took me 5+ years to even justify the need for a new shotgun. My ol' 20 gauge 500 with 18 inch barrel is so much a part of me and we do real well when I level on a target.

But I figger I am due to own a lazy man's auto loader:D that don't require all that cardio workout of rackin' the slide. And I have opportunity to join the doggers on the WMA and super fast follow up shots on runners seems to be the norm.



Staff In Memoriam
OOL, I been workin' it real hard with mrs.hogdogs for a few weeks. She crapped the sand spur covered brick when I first said the retail was $597 but I can get it as low as $461:eek:

She was thinkin' more like $185-200:rolleyes:

So I went and stretched a fence with my dad and put a few hundred bucks in the bank account.



New member
Hmm, I was thinking of going with a pre-owned semi-auto so I could get something with nice blueing and a walnut stock. But this price seems to be pretty compelling.
I'm very interested to hear what you think of the gun after you have put a few rounds through it, and cleaned it up.


Staff In Memoriam
Rhino, It is quite hard to find very many substantiated major complaints on these guns.

Also, buying used often leaves you without the choke set. Any of the 930 in waterfowl or field configuration come with a set of 3... Imp. Cyl., Mod and Full...

Since they come with a ported barrel and I personally have zero experience with porting... I have also heard many complain about it, I started this thread regarding it and got some good info here too...



New member

Lots of information to sort through here. Looks like I need to hang out at the range for a while and just watch what folks are shooting.


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mwar, I may drop in once to see how it swings but I eat what shoot and dirt dove stew don't sound very tasty...:D

Smitty in CT

New member

<<< FINGERS CROSSED >>> Hoping you get some nice wodd on your new gun!!

Remember to give it a very good cleaning before taking it out.....


Staff In Memoriam
Well as I had said earlier... It takes me a long time and lots of ponderin' before I can "justify" a new large "purchase" in this case the 930.

Well it seems wifey does the same process and took as long as possible before sayin' I oughta put some dead presidents in my freebie boat so I can take her out on her days off.:rolleyes:

As foul weather nears, I might have another shot at the justification of a sho-nuff meat shovel taking precedence over the B.O.A.T. (Break Out Another Thousand Capt.) 'til next spring.

As we were nearing the point where I admit defeat, I did get to explain that the new gun isn't just another gun but a big offset to my handicapped ability such as follow up shots and if I can't be sure of a follow up, I pass on a lot of opportunities;):D...

Que Sera Sera...
