Wholesale ammo prices?

chris in va

New member
Wait, wait. This isn't "another ammo thread", not exactly.

All I'd like to know is what the dealer markup is lately on various common calibers. In other words, what is Winchester, Federal etc charging distributors and gun stores for their ammo?

So any gun store employees want to chime in?


I've heard them say their margins are the same.... but when academy has a box of winchester 38 special FMJ's for 18.99 a box, and gander mountain has the same thing for $49.99..... I'd have to say they're full of it.

even IF gander mountain is getting hosed on the wholesale price, then their idiot buyers should be fired for not negotiating as good as the buyers from competing stores


New member
There are no fixed wholesale prices for ammo today.

There is MSRP and suggested DLR but distributors set there own mark-up on what they sell it to dealers for.

It boils down to supply & demand. Basically, there is no supply and there is a tremendous demand....why doesn't matter .

Big Box Stores may be on a direct drop ship program and annual buy in...line Cabela's, Walmart, Dick's Sporting Goods. They are getting orders filled at the "old" price and pay no freight. FFL Dealers usually have to pay UPS/Feded Ground freight on small lots which adds to the price. A retail location with brick/mortar and utilities...has to make a profit.....or go out of business.

Wallyworld and Academy are selling ammo well below what dealers would pay to buy the same stuff IF available today.

Nobody is getting rich off ammo sales. IF somebody has what you need IN-STOCK...the price is the price. Ammo may go back down SOME in about 18 months...but don't count on it.

US Manufacturers are at 100% of capacity now. There is NO late date ammo being sold as Surplus by Foreign Governments due to UN adopted regulations.

In today's world...when you come across ammo, bullets, powder or primers...buy them !


New member
there really isn't a set mark up for items it depends on the company. I work in retail and places differ from place to place usally places that do large quanitys will have lower mark up compared to smaller places. so places like cabelas or basspro will be different than smaller mom and pop or even local businesses.


New member
In today's world...when you come across ammo, bullets, powder or primers...buy them !

Sorry, but that's terrible advice. You're advocating and promoting exactly what is wrong with all those hoarding and buying. There are idiots out there buying 9mm, 38spl, etc... for $50 a box. That's $1 a bullet. If you are buying at those prices, you're perpetuating it. I went to a gander mountain store a couple weeks ago. First time I've ever been in one. When I saw their prices on ammo and guns, I told the 3 different employees (1 was a manager); that I would NEVER come into their store again. And I would promise to tell my friends what a scam they were.There is absolutely no reason to pay the high prices. The manufacturers haven't raised their prices. It's the distributors. I bought 2 boxes of 32acp, 2 boxes of 380 auto, 2 boxes of 30-30 at Walmart today. All of them were at the same prices they have been for a long time. $18 for the 32acp; $16 for the 380acp and $14 for the 30-30. It's not the manufacturers. I have turned on some local gun shops to some very good wholesalers. They have bought some ammo from them. But I told the local gun owners; If I see you gouging prices and not charging a normal profit but screwing the people over; I promise I'll let everyone know what they are doing. This is a small town. The dealers here are very reputable. Yes, it's a little higher than ordering online, but it costs them a little more and they need to make a profit too. And I'd rather buy locally with convenience. Then again; most in our area isn't hoarding. That's why I was able to get 380 at walmart, 32acp, as well as 45acp, 38spl and 357. Granted; the shelves aren't always full; but except for 380, there isn't 1 caliber of ammunition that you can't find some place in this town.