Whoa ... What Kind of Firearm?

Marko Kloos

New member
It's an MG3, the German standard GPMG. I believe they manufacture it under license over there. It's essentially an MG42 in 7.62x51mm, with some minor design changes and a somewhat reduced rate of fire. You can tell it's an MG3 rather than a MG42 by the AA sight on the receiver (folded down into storage position in the picture.)

It was our standard general purpose medium MG when I was in the service....I've seen the thing from that angle many times.


New member
MG3. Sometimes mistaken for MG710-1.

It's operation is as Lend sez. Rheinmettal sold the license in the late `60s if foggy memory serves. Cannot remember when tooling up began over there. Can look it up in the library at the FBP if you want.


New member
It's essentially an MG42 in 7.62x51mm, with some minor design changes and a somewhat reduced rate of fire.
In other words, it is pretty much the perfect medium belt-fed machine gun. Wonder why we are using the FN MAG instead?


New member
Wonder why we are using the FN MAG instead?

I read somewhere that the MG-42 was not used nearly as much as the MG-34 because of its very high cyclic rate. You could go through a belt before you could get your finger off the trigger. Stories I heard from WWII GIs that fought the Germans said that it fired so fast that you couldn't hear the individual detonations; just one brief burrrrrp, then silence. True or false?

Danger Dave

New member
True. the MG42 had a ridiculously high cyclic rate. It sounds more like a loud burp than a gun. I've heard one fire live - it's a great way to send money downrange quickly. I've heard from one veteran that our soldiers called them "rattlers" because they sounded like a rattlesnake when fired.