Who Would You Choose?

Who would you have preferred if no one dropped out?

  • McCain

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 2 1.8%
  • Clinton

    Votes: 3 2.7%
  • Huckabee

    Votes: 10 8.9%
  • Edwards

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Romney

    Votes: 3 2.7%
  • Biden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Paul

    Votes: 39 34.8%
  • Dodd

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gravel

    Votes: 3 2.7%
  • Hunter

    Votes: 6 5.4%
  • Kucinich

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Thompson

    Votes: 15 13.4%
  • Richardson

    Votes: 4 3.6%
  • Brownback

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Barr

    Votes: 4 3.6%
  • Gilmore

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tancredo

    Votes: 6 5.4%
  • Thompson

    Votes: 8 7.1%

  • Total voters

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I was curious, if we REALLY had our choice and everyone who ran was available on election day, who would you have picked?


New member
Ron Paul.

I don't like the Democrats and their gun-grabbing policies, but I also don't like the Republicans' attempts to turn religious values into law. Both of them support stronger government, just in different ways.

Paul (and other Libertarians) are the only ones who want to actually stick to the ideal of a small government that exists as a basic protective framework for our society, not as an overlord. Ron Paul is my favorite because he's not as much on the fringe as most Libertarians.


New member
Gravel, because I think it would be hilarious watching him give a State-Of-The-Union speech.

Huckabee sounds good also, if he would only drop his obsession with religion and not let his kid strangle a dog to death.


New member
Paul, Barr, Tancredo, Hunter.... all of those are good conservative choices and have 83% of the vote in this poll so far. Obviously, we have some strong conservatives among us. :)


Ron Paul.
Bob Barr for President 2008


peetzakilla, pm me if you are having a difficult time understanding.


New member
Paul (and other Libertarians) are the only ones who want to actually stick to the ideal of a small government that exists as a basic protective framework for our society, not as an overlord. Ron Paul is my favorite because he's not as much on the fringe as most Libertarians.

Ummmmm.... yeah... you do realize Ron Paul is a Republican... I hope. He has an R next to his name in congress, he ran in the primaries as a republican, he has stated that he is a republican, etc. I just wanted to point that out in case you actually didn't realize that. If you are being cute, then, oh, ha, ha.


New member
Ummmmm.... yeah... you do realize Ron Paul is a Republican... I hope. He has an R next to his name in congress, he ran in the primaries as a republican, he has stated that he is a republican, etc. I just wanted to point that out in case you actually didn't realize that. If you are being cute, then, oh, ha, ha.

Hes listed as and does belong to the Republican party but Ron Paul is a complete Libertarian...like me. :)



New member
In fact, FireMax, that was kind of my point. His politics are extremely libertarian for a Republican, and that's what sets him apart. Libertarians have been around for a long time, but they've long been seen as a few fringe extremists. Ron Paul is bringing Libertarianism to the masses and hopefully encouraging other Republicans to move in that direction as well.

It doesn't matter that much to me what party a candidate runs with. It's their personal politics I look at. Ron Paul, George W. Bush, and Arnold Schwarzenegger may all be Republicans, but they are very, very different.


New member
It doesn't matter that much to me what party a candidate runs with. It's their personal politics I look at. Ron Paul, George W. Bush, and Arnold Schwarzenegger may all be Republicans, but they are very, very different.

This is true.


New member
Let's see... McCain has so far received 1 vote out of 24 cast.

Yep, he's the darling of conservative gun owners. :D


New member
It would be interesting to see them all ranked in order of preference for each of us, but that would be a pretty complicated poll.

The only name separating McCain from the Dems on my list would be Giuliani.
I think the fact that Paul is running away with the poll is clear indication of how far this board is away from mainstream reality politically. :)


New member
I think I mentioned this in one of the other "who are you voting for" polls, but this is exactly why if you want to do one of these it needs to be private, not public. Because otherwise I can't imagine that anybody would have actually voted for somebody like Kucinich.

I mean, seriously. Kucinich?

Also, who would honestly choose Barr out of the entire field? That's just confusing to me. Barr may be the Libertarian candidate, but Paul at least has a lot more libertarian street cred...just a couple short years ago Barr was (aside from, perhaps, tax policy) the anti-libertarian.

Though at least it's a far better choice than Kucinich.

Man, I'm sorry to whoever that guy was. Maybe I'm being to hard on you. But come on.


New member
I still remember the "What's in Kucinich's Pockets" segment on The Colbert Report. If nothing else, at least the guy must obviously have a sense of humor, even about himself.


New member
It would be funny to grab a screen shot of this poll and then head back in time to show it to the forum back when Giuliani was dominating all the polls and discussion.

(Cue the guy from Animal House: "Zero....point....zero.") ;)