Who uses OCW method to develop a load?

Dave R

New member
I read about the OCW ("Optimal Charge Weight") method of load development here on the reloading forum. Have reviewed the original website. I need to develop a couple of new loads soon. One for .308, one for .223.

So how has the OCW method worked for those of you who have tried it?

And does the resulting load work well in multiple rifles? i.e. does the load that works well in one rifle, work well in another? That's one of the benefits presented on the OCW method. Have you tried multiple rifles? Does it work as well as presented?

Mark whiz

New member
1st off, for the best results - you need to tune your ammo for each firearm, as even identical models of the same gun are not identical. And you have to be aware that a bolt action rifle and a semi-auto rifle will respond totally opposite to increasing powder charges as that is the nature of their barrel harmonics. That's not to say you can't work up a load for a specific firearm and then try it in another - it might work great, it might be acceptable, or it might shoot all over the page.

The OCW is a good method for load work up as it familiarizes yourself with what each gun is doing with different loads and it gives you a good indication if you are approaching too hot of a load before you push the envelop too hard.