Who uses a CCW badge?

Do you or would you consider using a CCW badge?

  • Yes, that is the best way to identify yourself.

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • No, badges are for trained professionals only.

    Votes: 58 95.1%

  • Total voters
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New member

Are companies seriously selling CCW badges? who uses them? i think it would be likly that someone would get into serious trouble with the police if you whipped one of those out.

The best part is what the company who sells the badge (www.maxsell.com) above says about having a badge:
You're threatened with deadly force, but your gun is out and pointed at the felon. You have your Concealed Weapon Permit Badge with you. The police pull up to the scene and the dirtbag shouts, "He's going to kill me. SHOOT HIM!"
You display your BADGE to the police and shout, "DON'T SHOOT. I'M A LEGALLY LICENSED HAND GUN OWNER."
The police officer orders you to put down your weapon. You comply. Situation under control. One criminal under arrest and YOU'RE ALIVE!

i mean honestly this must be a joke right? can any LEOs give an insight about this maybe?
You won't be in serious trouble with the police if you "whip one out." Where you get in trouble is identifying yourself as a police officer. The presence of a badge does not do this, especially when it doesn't say you are an officer.

CCW badges are just hokey wastes of money, cute joke, but not useful for much. They aren't legal identification of any sort and you don't have to have a permit to have a badge. Why waste the money?


New member
Never have thought it to be a good idea. I don't want anyone to misinterpret my intentions. Maybe its just me...but...I will not carry one unless it becomes a requirement from the state.


New member
Makes you look like a loser. Just put your laminated card in your wallet and get on with life. Those badges have no legal standing.


New member

You'd have to be one warped cop wannabe to even buy a badge like this. It's just asking for trouble. As I said, JMHO

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
It's a neat little toy, but it could put you on shaky ground, legally.

There is the possibility that police or a prosecutor would believe you had implied intent to pass yourself off as a law enforcement officer, especially if those viewing the badge were unable to read what it says, and that could lead to a charge of impersonating an officer.

I'd advise against it.


New member
Who uses a CCW Badge

Bad idea, Too much money for a useless piece of metal, if you have your CCW card or as in the State of Missouri it tells them on your drivers license that you have CCW. Another reason not to carry one of these badges, you might get in trouble for impersonating a Police Officer. Bad bad idea. Forget it save your money.


New member
full of HOOEY!

Was my reply on another forum where this thread is posted. Remember when you use to be able to flash your Captain Cadet badge at the theater.

Same deal.

When the bullets are flying
is no time to be trying
to cease the action
by tin badge attraction.

I flashed my Badge
so go tell Madge
I'm in a dread
for you have shot me dead.


New member
Just for clarification i was not even considering getting one of these badges it just surprised me that they even existed, kinda asking for trouble if you ask me. but i wondered if some people had them and is there really a benefit to having one.

...unless it becomes a requirement from the state.
What state requires a badge with a CCW?


New member
MOgunner.. I don't know what part of the state you live in, but many of us that have to travel to the peoples republik if illinois don't get the endorsement. You can get the carry permit on a seperate state ID. This WILL show on a DL check in MO, but accross the river they won't know you have a permit. Helps to cut down on questions, vehicle searches, and potential problems if carrying into the PRI. Not that I would carry where it isn't allowed in the highest crime areas of the bi-state region.


New member
I voted NO,but not for the reason provided.If a police officer happens on a scene where it is deemed necessary for them to detain and search you,they're not going to even bother to read the lettering,they'll most likely assume you're trying to be a cop.This cannot be a good thing no matter how you slice it,in terms of the attitude they'll suddenly develop towards you.My answer would be more like "NO,badges don't belong in the hands of people who shouldn't have a badge"...


New member
but i wondered if some people had them and is there really a benefit to having one.
I don't have one and never will. Too mall ninja-ish for me, and I agree that it might lead to problems. However the only possible benefit i could see is a situation where someone inadvertently saw your weapon (lets say the wind blew your jacket open). The presence of a badge tucked in next to the holster might settle those who would normally be concerned about seeing a gun. A friend of mine is an FBI agent and this is exactly why he carries his badge next to his weapon as opposed to his back pocket.


New member
Who uses CCW Badges

axeslingerW: I am sorry I wasn't aware of thePRI Requirement I knew about the Seperate CCW Card, but ole dummy me wasn't thinking. I live in Central Missouri in the sticks and I guess it shows with my answer. I have a CCW and its endorsed on my Drivers license. :)


A quality holster is better than a badge, especially if it looks 'issue'. Crooks usually don't carry with proper holsters, and the ordinary person who sees a flash of your gun will probably assume you are some sort of cop. Can't speak for law enforcement's view though, any of them want to throw in their two bits on how a holster might change perception? (as opposed to just a gun in the pocket or waistband)


New member
Badges are a VERY BAD idea. It won'y get you anything but trouble . If you have a CCW then be serious and get some very good training.


New member
The poll really didn't give my answer.
I don't use one. In the example of the add, you will be shot before you get your badge out. Reaching for something without explaination in that situation is just asking for trouble.
In that situation, the police should be ordering both (criminal was offering deadly force) to drop their weapons and get down on the ground. Besides, its not like this company asks for proof that people have a CCW permit.

So no, but not because badges are only for law enforcement. Because it is a useless waste.


New member
The only reason I could think of to have one and I will admit I thought about getting the flip style ID case for the badge and ID, because my cousin carries one with his CC license and the CCW badge and he's not a young kid or trying to be a cop. His reason for having it was in case it came unconcealed in say a gas station or store, etc he could show the badge and it be a bit more identifiable to someone who isn't familiar with the CC licenses. He also said that wearing it next to the gun (as someone else here said) might deter alot of regular thugs if they see it at a glance,they will assume you're a cop. I highly doubt I would carry one for most of the reasons above plus some others.1 I live in Tennessee and it's open carry here so it doesn't matter if some store clerk sees it while i'm reaching for my wallet to buy my cigarettes and yoo-hoo. 2. I would feel really goofy if i was in a shootout or even pulled over and asked for my CC license and handed the officer my license and a badge that looks like i'm trying to be super citizen cop. To many disadvantages and not enough advantages. (even though i did vote that i thought about getting one :eek: )


New member
Not me, I just wear my hat that has emblazoned on it "Concealed Handgun Licensee". For giggles, I wear my "Don't shoot me I'm unarmed" tshirt. Hilarity ensues.
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