who shoots pyrodex p?


New member
just got my can of pyro p and im wondering is it going to be good? i hear lots of good things about triple 7... this p was close to home and priced right. should be good in my .44?


New member
Almost as good as real bp and half the price of triple 7. It works great in my revolvers as does RS. Actually I can't tell any difference between P and RS.

Fingers McGee

New member
Don't like, have never liked Pyrodex. But, I understand, some areas of the country have no real choice when it comes to buying and using authentic gunpowder. It's just not available to them.

T7 is a good sub. Easy to use and easy to clean up after. Main drawback is it's too blamed expensive to buy retail. I buy my T7 when it's on clearance for half price or less. Finishing up with some that cost me $9 a lb. When it's gone, I'll have to start using the $15/lb stuff.



New member
I've used & probably use Pyrodex P in the future when my Real Black Powder supply gets low & hard to get, it's a very good subsitute to the real stuff because of it's burn qualities is very similar to real BP making velocities & down range performance similar "well close enough."

I have even used it in my .50 cal. Muzzleloaders with good results, the only thing to remember though is like real Black Powder you do need to clean your firearm within 24 hours to prevent any adverse effects of the moisture in the air attracting to the fouling, but clean up is very easy just like with real BP.


New member
the only thing to remember though is like real Black Powder you do need to clean your firearm within 24 hours to prevent any adverse effects of the moisture in the air attracting to the fouling, but clean up is very easy just like with real BP.

I respectfully disagree with that. I sometimes go two or three days before cleaning mine(and have gone longer) and only do a tear down maybe once a year. It don't get much more humid than it does here.


New member
my house can get humidy if its wet outside (crawlspace foundation) i plan on doing a full strip n clean after every outing.


New member
It works very well in most of my revolvers, single shot cap locks and a rifle but a couple of the revolvers deliver hang fires for no apparent reason.


New member
I used Pyrodex for years cuz I couldn't get anything else- it worked well, though it has a much finer particle size then BP. It shoots very differently then real BP. I found in .44 revolver that BP kicked harder (but slower) & produced less velocity then Pyrodex's faster burn. BP was also a LOT stickier and messier, but I like the smell better then Pyrodex.
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New member
if i go to the range an average amount... how long do you think it will take for me to go through this container of pyrodex ?


New member
I just tossed a 30gr (measured by black powder equivalent by volume) charge on a gram scale & got approximately 1.5 grams. There is 454 grams of Pyrodex in a one pound container, so you should get about 300 shots.

Edit: Minus, of course, any that you spill during the loading process (oh yeah, & those little piles that you burned "just to see what happens" before you went to the range ;) )
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New member
The recent/current lots produce velocities in revolvers that are a bit higher than goex fffg but very close to Swiss when loaded from the same volume measures. Sometimes the Swiss is a bit faster and sometimes the Pyrodex P.