Who says Redhawks are ugly?


New member
I happen to think they are one fine revolver, in the tradition of the Colt New Service and other 'all business' six-shooters. We have seen them in stainless and black rubber for so long we tend to forget that they can present a more traditional appearance.

Courtesy of my beautiful little redheaded wife and a great bunch of kids, my old Redhawk got all gussied up in a fine pair of Ajax Sambar Stags this year. It's a real shooter, too, but it'll never see a cylinderful of 335 grain bear loads with these beauties bolted on. Back to the black rubber for those...

Father's Day came one day early this year, and I am a very lucky man in more ways than one.


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New member
Very nice! I've got it's twin in my gun cabinet right now...even down to the Sambar grips. Kinda figured I might go back to the rubber grips for deer season also.....but only for a couple of weeks, as those stag grips are far too purty to be left off for very long.


New member
Thanks, Atticus...

The photo don't do it justice; I forgot & took it with the camera on macro like I usually do, but it makes the file to big to post a photo of any size. I'll get it down yet.

Nice to know there's another one out there just like mine.


New member
I just purchased a new Redwawk today--but with the longer barrel and scope rings----Man , this is one huge gun. Maybe some stag is in my Redhawks future.

I can wait to shoot this one--I've always had Blackhaws before--so the trigger cocking will be something new----and the double-action on this one is smoooth.


New member
I never said the Redhawk was ugly, but the S&W M-29 is sexier. Now the Super Redhawk is one ugly gun, but that is what I own and I am never likely to wear it out. One tough gun!!!

Ben Shepherd

New member
I happen to think the ugliest view of one is that straight down the business end when you can tell there a 5 more hollowpoints waiting in the wings.............

Took a photo of one that way in a mirror (44mag with Hornady XTP Hollw points). Not a good feeling looking at it that way.


New member
Another shot at posting pic...

I'm just gettin' started at this digital photo stuff, so bear with me folks...


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Another shot at posting pic...

I'm just gettin' started at this digital photo stuff, so bear with me folks...


New member
The Super RH is one UGLY gun. Skeeter Skelton told Bill Ruger that to his face at the SHOT Show when it was introduced. The exchange was priceless.


New member
SRH uglies..

I'd have to agree with you on that one. Cut my teeth on Skelton' work back about 1970, and the 'new breed' of cowboy/lawman gunwriters will never be able to fill his boots. They're mostly too concerned with finding only good things to say about their advertiser's wares to give an honest review.

I'd have given a hundred dollars to have seen that little conversation you mentioned above.

take care-

Mal H

Yep, the Super Redhawk is ugly. Ugly like a Caterpillar D11 or a Terex is ugly. But man can they all get the job done without any strain!

(Ok, maybe the SRH could use a good hydraulic lifting system, but that's the only problem with it. :) )


New member
Here's a pic of my ugly one. Doesn't look too big when next to the Bowie. Of course that would be a pocket pistol and pocket knife to C.R. Sam.:)


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New member
For Atticus...

Nice combo, I still think the standard model in blue is a classy gun. For those that think the 29 is 'sexier', I can sympathize; I carried a 4" nickel for a couple of years, loaded with Silvertips. But I'll tell you what- 500 rounds of 300 LBTs over 22.5 of 296, and she rattled plum loose. The ol' Redhawk will shoot a wheelbarrow of these and ask for more.

I think I've found my 'lifetime' .44.


New member
Yup, the SRH is one big, ugly gun. But I gotta tell you, it sure grows on you. I've nicknamed mine BUMF - you figure it out.