Who owns your source for news?


New member
I was trolling around the web, and stumbled across this list. This may not be "news" to many of you, but I thought it was interesting. I knew some of this, but not all.

It would seem the notion of a "liberal media" is unfounded. What say you?

I'm thinking the owners of any company would have an interest in the product they produce, even moreso if it's the information others rely on to make important political decisions. For those of you who get your news from other sources, which do you consider the most reliable/unbiased?

GENERAL ELECTRIC --(donated 1.1 million to GW Bush for his 2000 election campaign)

Television Holdings:
* NBC: includes 13 stations, 28% of US households.
* NBC Network News: The Today Show, Nightly News with Tom Brokaw, Meet the Press, Dateline NBC, NBC News at Sunrise.
* CNBC business television; MSNBC 24-hour cable and Internet news service (co-owned by NBC and Microsoft); Court TV (co-owned with Time Warner), Bravo (50%), A&E (25%), History Channel (25%).
The "MS" in MSNBC
means microsoft
The same Microsoft that donated 2.4 million to get GW bush elected.

Other Holdings:
* GE Consumer Electronics.
* GE Power Systems: produces turbines for nuclear reactors and power plants.
* GE Plastics: produces military hardware and nuclear power equipment.
* GE Transportation Systems: runs diesel and electric trains.

Westinghouse Electric Company, part of the Nuclear Utilities Business Group of British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL)
whos #1 on the Board of Directors? None other than:
Frank Carlucci (of the Carlyle Group)

Television Holdings:
* CBS: includes 14 stations and over 200 affiliates in the US.
* CBS Network News: 60 minutes, 48 hours, CBS Evening News with Dan Rather, CBS Morning News, Up to the Minute.
* Country Music Television, The Nashville Network, 2 regional sports networks.
* Group W Satellite Communications.
Other Holdings:
* Westinghouse Electric Company: provides services to the nuclear power industry.
* Westinghouse Government Environmental Services Company: disposes of nuclear and hazardous wastes. Also operates 4 government-owned nuclear power plants in the US.
* Energy Systems: provides nuclear power plant design and maintenance.
Television Holdings:
* Paramount Television, Spelling Television, MTV, VH-1, Showtime, The Movie Channel, UPN (joint owner), Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, Sundance Channel (joint owner), Flix.
* 20 major market US stations.
Media Holdings:
* Paramount Pictures, Paramount Home Video, Blockbuster Video, Famous Players Theatres, Paramount Parks.
* Simon & Schuster Publishing.
DISNEY / ABC / CAP (donated 640 thousand to GW's 2000 campaign)
Television Holdings:
* ABC: includes 10 stations, 24% of US households.
* ABC Network News: Prime Time Live, Nightline, 20/20, Good Morning America.
* ESPN, Lifetime Television (50%), as well as minority holdings in A&E, History Channel and E!
* Disney Channel/Disney Television, Touchtone Television.
Media Holdings:
* Miramax, Touchtone Pictures.
* Magazines: Jane, Los Angeles Magazine, W, Discover.
* 3 music labels, 11 major local newspapers.
* Hyperion book publishers.
* Infoseek Internet search engine (43%).
Other Holdings:
* Sid R. Bass (major shares) crude oil and gas.
* All Disney Theme Parks, Walt Disney Cruise Lines.

TIME-WARNER TBS - AOL (donated 1.6 million to GW's 2000 campaign)
America Online (AOL) acquired Time Warner–the largest merger in corporate history.
Television Holdings:
* CNN, HBO, Cinemax, TBS Superstation, Turner Network Television, Turner Classic Movies, Warner Brothers Television, Cartoon Network, Sega Channel, TNT, Comedy Central (50%), E! (49%), Court TV (50%).
* Largest owner of cable systems in the US with an estimated 13 million subscribers.
Media Holdings:
* HBO Independent Productions, Warner Home Video, New Line Cinema, Castle Rock, Looney Tunes, Hanna-Barbera.
* Music: Atlantic, Elektra, Rhino, Sire, Warner Bros. Records, EMI, WEA, Sub Pop (distribution) = the world’s largest music company.
* 33 magazines including Time, Sports Illustrated, People, In Style, Fortune, Book of the Month Club, Entertainment Weekly, Life, DC Comics (50%), and MAD Magazine.
Other Holdings:
* Sports: The Atlanta Braves, The Atlanta Hawks, World Championship Wrestling.
NEWS CORPORATION LTD. / FOX NETWORKS (Rupert Murdoch) (donations see bottom note)
Television Holdings:
* Fox Television: includes 22 stations, 50% of US households.
* Fox International: extensive worldwide cable and satellite networks include British Sky Broadcasting (40%); VOX, Germany (49.9%); Canal Fox, Latin America; FOXTEL, Australia (50%); STAR TV, Asia; IskyB, India; Bahasa Programming Ltd., Indonesia (50%); and News Broadcasting, Japan (80%).
* The Golf Channel (33%).
* Twentieth Century Fox, Fox Searchlight.
* 132 newspapers (113 in Australia alone) including the New York Post, the London Times and The Australian.
* 25 magazines including TV Guide and The Weekly Standard.
* HarperCollins books.
* Sports: LA Dodgers, LA Kings, LA Lakers, National Rugby League.
* Ansett Australia airlines, Ansett New Zealand airlines.
* Rupert Murdoch: Board of Directors, Philip Morris (USA).

*(Phillip Morris donated 2.9 million to George W Bush in 2000)*


New member
Take a look and see how much they donated to the democratic party. Its probably close to or more than to the republicans.Its called covering all the bases.They don't care much about WHO's in office as long as they have their attention. They just want to be able to get their lobbyist in for some meetings.What's the saying that politics makes for some strange bedfellows.
The claims that the "media is libera/conservative" don't come from the actions of the parent company, they stem from the actions of the media outlet itself.

GE is not going to set editorial policy for NBC.

GE looks at NBC as a lucrative part of its overall business portfolio.


New member
That's an interesting point. Do you know where that info may be posted? I pasted the article as I found it. What had a greater effect on me was the fact that these are large corporations, and they own an awful lot of media outlets, not just the news. I intentionally left some room between the lines on this one.

GE is not going to set editorial policy for NBC

Why not? Do you think they would be allowed to run a story that ran contrary to GE's interests? That's editing, to put it mildly.


Dang! I didnt know Time-Warner owned MAD Magazine! Now I have to boycott my fav reading material!

I can solve the entire mediandgroupsandbusinessinfluencespoliticians crisis in one fell constituional swwop, but no one will support it so I will shut up! Unless someone asks......:)



New member
TIME-WARNER TBS - AOL (donated 1.6 million to GW's 2000 campaign)
America Online (AOL) acquired Time Warner–the largest merger in corporate history.
Television Holdings:
* CNN, HBO, Cinemax, TBS Superstation, Turner Network Television, Turner Classic

As in Ted Turner?:eek:


New member
Why do we blame the media? They are just giving some what they want.
Ratings are the name of the game...I fear truth takes a backseat to them. Some even attempt to fan the flames by carefully editing the truth or not presenting all the facts. "If it bleeds it leads"........

Im hoping one day folks will wake up and realize that despite what we are told or read, WE are in charge.

Big Ruger

New member
Its funny how they put all Bush's donations in there, but no dem. mentioned. Its what ya call an old fashioned protection racket. They all give to both sides.


New member
That a neet little liberal tactic, see we donate to the republicans too!

George Soros, Ted Turner, Jane Fonda are a few of the rich liberal socialist elites who lust after money.

Look at John Kerry, what a hypocrite, don't forget Michael Moore, He says he hates evil white corporate America. Yet he has Millions$$$$$$$$ in stocks with corporate America.

All those media outlets listed are Pros when it comes to sheer propaganda and hypocracy!


New member
I can solve the entire mediandgroupsandbusinessinfluencespoliticians crisis in one fell constituional swwop, but no one will support it so I will shut up! Unless someone asks......

raises hand


Why do we blame the media? They are just giving some what they want.
Ratings are the name of the game...I fear truth takes a backseat to them. Some even attempt to fan the flames by carefully editing the truth or not presenting all the facts. "If it bleeds it leads"........
Yep! The perception is that the news media is liberal and that talk radio is conservative. As I said in one of my first posts here these companies are in business to make a buck. They all pander to the largest demo which translates to $$. I've always believed the majors all fight over that huge middle crowd which isn't passionate either way. Fox found an audience not being "serviced" by anyone and is passionate to the right while CNN most likely panders to the left.
NBC has limited patnerships with MSN, Dow Jones Newswire and The Wall Street Journal complete with John Fund and others. In terms of antitrust and corporate leanings these outfits are way to the right of middle America. CNN has business Republican Lou Dobbs who historically is a pro Republican pro business voice. MSNBC's has Joe Scarborough and Tucker Carlson,( sorry, that the best I could do). CBS/Viacom owns CMT and a whole lot more. There may be a Dem voice on Fox but I'm not familiar with one. Bottom line...they don't care whether you're blue or red as long as your money's green.
None of these so called "on air talents"are missin' any meals in the process!
Those pandering to us are all gittin' rich!:(



New member
I agree that it's not a "republican media" just as it's not a "liberal" or "dem" media. What I noticed is that it's a CORPORATE media. An oligarchy controlling oil or cars or handbags is a real concern, but less of a concern that one that controls what you see and hear each day.

What we have now is the majority of the media in the country controlled by a few large conglomerates. We're talking news, television, movies, magazines and books. These are the things that shape minds. Control the mind, the ass will follow. As an example, how many people have you heard saying something is true because they saw it on the news? Even today, there's a whole lot of 'em. I'd say it's the majority. I doubt I'd shock anyone if I said, as some have alluded to already, that integrity comes second to ratings.

Oh btw, I didn't get my post in before the crash...I was wondering about the Ted Turner thing too, and was going to post the article I read on TW's website. Looks like Ted is out.

At least the majority here seem to agree that the "liberal media" is no more. Then again, so is "objective reporting."


New member
At least the majority here seem to agree that the "liberal media" is no more. Then again, so is "objective reporting."
There is a substantial difference between liberal ownership of media organizations (which does not exist) and a "liberal media."

Media organizations are businesses and are mainly interested in making money. No sensible executive of a major media organization would even consider trying to impose a heavy-handed mandate on media outlets to support a particular political agenda.

However, members of the media, whether national newscasters, local reporters, or Hollywood personalities, are generally more liberal than the average member of the population. Absent a mandate or specific agenda from their corporate masters, the members of the media inevitably, and possibly unconsciously, insert their own biases into their work.

The "liberal media" exists in much the same way that liberal academia exists.


New member
I can solve the entire mediandgroupsandbusinessinfluencespoliticians crisis in one fell constituional swwop, but no one will support it so I will shut up! Unless someone asks......

It's been motioned (TX_RGR) and seconded (Eghad)

Come on Wild....The suspense is killing me!!!


OK Check it out:

Lets amend the constitiution to provide (we need to fill in some details of course) for the following:

1. Each state gets an even number of representatives ( at least 2).
2. Each state gets 2 senAtors.
3. Each state randomly SELECTS it senators and representaives via the rolls of registered voters. 1/2 shall be Repubs, 1/2 dems.
4. Legislators shall serve for one year, shall live in government housing equivalent to BOQ, shall be paid $100,000 per year, shall get one secretary, two aides and two offices, one in Washington and one in their home district.
5. No legislator shall accept ANYHTING of value from any person other than immediate family during service or for 10 years thereafter. No legislator shall ever hold federal or state appointive or civil service office, uless said appointment occured before selection.



New member
+1, WildwheredoIsignupAlaska

Random representation by the people themselves - I love it.

The only thing I would change is the pay structure; give them $180,000 a year but deduct $250 per day for expenses while Congress is in session.