Who is this Rich Lucibella guy in any case?


New member
I don't know and frankly it's none of my business, but I have to say "Thanks". TFL was actually the second firearms related BB I found on the net. Glock Talk was the first. Now I visit several other forums, but I always wind up coming back to TFL. Some other forums are more specific when it comes to certain types of firearms, but nowhere else can I find the attitude and base of knowledge that I find on TFL.

TFL has always set a high standard and has upheld it. Some complain about restrictive moderation, to them I say hey get over it, if you don't want to play by the rules then leave.

TFL is for me the BEST resource on the WEB when it comes to unbiased, courteous and knowledgeable opinions regarding firearms and 2nd ammendment issues.

So for that, for Rich's support of the 2nd ammendment, for providing us this awesome tool to share knowledge I say THANKS RICH. I owe you one.

Pete Johnson


Member In Memoriam
Neither is monosyllabic chicanery/dissemination allowed.

We be high-brow … ;)

Hat's off again to ya, Rich. Have yet to find another site that rivals TFL in any venue for a fellow knuckle-dragger. ;)

If it ain't here, you don't need it.


New member
Now I'm not one to spread rumors, but I have it from a purity reliable source that Rich is actually a ghost. Someone here once posted about their dream wherein a revolutionary ghost had visited them. Was this Rich out and about? Now I can't prove any of this, but let logic be your guide. Anyone who does so much for all of us in our fight for freedom must certainly have the SPIRIT of a patriot from the revolutionary war. And everyone knows that a spirit is another name for a ghost.... Gawd.... I can actually spew out logic just like a liberal... :D
Rich is the Chief Rangemaster here and he...

pays the bills, sees that the maintenance is regularly performed by his numerous minions so that the range is ready at the beginning of the day, and at the end of the day, sits at the head of the table and passes out the food. But best of all, he keeps the refrigerator stocked with Shiner Bock Ale.

Long Path

New member
He is a man of talent, means, and principle.

He leveraged his talent in the '80's and '90's into some means (read: comfortable lifestyle). He then stuck by his principles and used (and uses) a large proportion of his personal means to pursue the furthering of the rights he feels all should enjoy.

He is a sportsman, aviator, publicist, adrenaline junkie, and shotist who counts among his personal friends legends. He still keeps his hand in in the I.T. sector, and is said to be dangerous around a Unix system. (Take that any way you wish! :) )

He stands somewhere between 4'11" and 6'08", weighs between 100 and 280 lbs, has some hair, and is between the ages of 23 and 62.

He created The Firing Line to promote responsible firearms ownership and use, through discussion.

He is a very serious legal (civil) threat to HCI.

He is a great friend to the gun-owner, and is civil to his enemies. In fact, the motto he lives by, that is our Prime Directive on The Firing Line, is to "Take the High Road."

He is my friend.

And now you know Rich.


George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Here is a picture of Rich:


Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
He's known to be deadly to German engineering when rescuing damsels in distress. :D
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New member
He is one of the wee folk who lives in the bole of a cypress tree and uses his pot of gold to further the cause of freedom for rightous citizens. He is adept at felling dangerous game and expensive computers. He runs a tight ship with a good crew.

Sam...didn't know bout the free food....yum.


George, it said I do not have permission to access that page. :(


New member
If we are a "band of brothers" (and sisters, too), he is our leader and the catalyst who made it happen.

Long Path

New member
PreserveFreedom: I gotcha an attachment that oughta work for ya, but honestly, the original link that George used worked for me and... HEY! I'll bet that the pic is sitting in the Staff/Staph Lounge. Okay, it'll work, here, then.

Oleg-- had to touch up your spelling, even if I didn't redact your statement about Top Secret doings... ;)



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