Who is Ragnar Benson?


New member
Some of my favorite reading and he really seems like a fascinating character. Though he occasionally drops hints about himself- past and present- you certainly never see the "About the Author" blurb on the back cover.

Am I correct that he often seems to know what he's talking about?
Has anyone met him at a trade show, book signing, pseudonymed member at TFL, etc?
Know his background?
Don't you love reading things that start with the disclaimer: "for academic study only"?

The Rock

New member
He does seem like quite the character. From the majority of books that I have read that he wrote, he does seem to be as geniune as you can get for an "aka" author. He is probably around 60 years old or so from the incidents/dates in his books.
The stuff that says for academic study only is the best stuff to read.

The Rock

Rob Pincus

New member
Hmmmmm, I don;t have any of this guys books in the little cave I call a home, but I wonder if he chose part of his psuedonym after reading Rand ??