Who is protecting us from the Watchdogs like Foley?

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New member
The other thread got locked. I didnt mention politcal parties because it was irrelevant to the matter of Foley. The point is that there is another scandal in DC which the leaders in Congress knew about almost ayear ago.

Foley, as chairman of the Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus, had introduced legislation in July to protect children from exploitation by adults over the Internet. He also sponsored other legislation designed to protect minors from abuse and neglect

reported Friday that Foley also engaged in a series of sexually explicit instant messages with current and former pages, all male. In one message, ABC said, Foley wrote to one page, "Do I make you a little horny?"

In another message, Foley wrote, "You in your boxers, too? ... Well, strip down and get relaxed."

The sad part of this is that folks in Congress knew of this about a year ago and chose not to do anything till the e-mails were made public. There was even a vote to allow the ethics commitee to decide if they wanted to investigate.

What is there to decide, if a fellow in his position is e-mailing and IMing underage kids with such trash he needs to go.

I guess this demonstrates that Congress is a veritable cesspool that is looking out for themselves at the expense of the people. A sign that we need to clean house and let the light of day in.

The point being that regardless of party or any party using a matter such as this as political leverage is just wrong. It pretty much speaks volumes about our represenatives in both parties in Congress. If some sat on it for almost a year to use it to make a political advantage or kept it quiet for a year to keep the advantage near the election that is just plain wrong.

Congress needs an enema........


New member
You in your boxers, too? ... Well, strip down and get relaxed

I cannot possibly vomit enough to express my disgust at that. From a 50+ year old. To a 16- year old.

Think for a moment what this means. I would be embarrassed, as a 52 year old, to approach, or even leer at as if I were going to approach, somebody 1/3 my age. I couldn't take the shame of being viewed as such filth, of knowing inside that I was such filth.

Yet here we are with that behavior from a CONGRESSMAN no less. Don't they have ANY shame AT ALL????

It's almost impossible for me to express how I REALLY feel about this without obscenity. So I'll just say that the dare to generate a smiley that fits this situation still stands.


New member
I guess this demonstrates that Congress is a veritable cesspool that is looking out for themselves at the expense of the people. A sign that we need to clean house and let the light of day in.

A more accurate statement might be that it shows that Congress is, in many ways, a cross-section of society, with good and bad. Society as a whole is tending towards a cesspool with occasional islands of decency.


New member
Yet here we are with that behavior from a CONGRESSMAN no less. Don't they have ANY shame AT ALL????

Why should they? It hasn't been demanded of them (or anyone else) for decades. At one time, our politicians were supposed to be above reproach; model citizens who would set represent the best the nation had to offer. That lasted right up until the first politician took office. After that, they were humans with all their flaws and issues, but in a time when public service meant something, shame and ridicule was something to be feared, and you could end up dead on a field of honor if you stepped too far out of line.

Since then, politicians and those who make a living by virtue of their proximity to said politicians have almost systematically worked to reduce the expectations people place on them, all the interests of protecting their own positions.

The behavior seen with Foley is seen all the time, at every level of society. The only difference is that it was reported at a time when it was politically expedient, by taking out an absolute slimebag who would have retained his office. At any other time, this information would have been used to garner favors, rather than publicly exposed.


New member
Who protected Dem Congressman Mel Reynolds' victim? Gerry Studd's? Barney Frank's?
Frankly, as a parent, I would not let my kid live in DC as a page. I don't have much faith in anyone serving in the legislature.


Remember the kid that 'commited suicide' in the woods with a rep's gun?

I smell similarities.


New member
This just reinforces the fact that a politician's alleigance to party supercedes his alleigance to us. It doesn't matter whether it's a Republican or a Democrat; they will betray their own ideals and their promises to us if it will help them get reelected.
This won't be the last time the "party of family values" protects a pedophile.

Camp David

New member
GoSlash27 said:
This won't be the last time the "party of family values" protects a pedophile.
Both parties are guilty of abuse... nobody in Congress should hold their head high. Democrats and Republicans are both guilty of coverups.

Let them know your frustration.


New member
If the Democrats had knowledge of it and were waiting to use it for political purposes then they are just as bad. I was watching the news last night and one of the ex-pages said they received a warning about Foley and it has been common knowledge for about 5 years this stuff has been going on.


New member
The other thread got locked. I didnt mention politcal parties because it was irrelevant to the matter of Foley. The point is that there is another scandal in DC which the leaders in Congress knew about almost ayear ago.

I started that thread. I don't recall (but I'm old) mentioning any political parties.

Beyond that I'll try to keep my mouth shut on this issue, mainly because I can't think of the right non-obscene words to describe what I think of it.


New member
No child left behind

Seems like now it's No child's behind left. They indoctrinate them young to be our next leaders. This prevalent with both parties, just search for" pages" assaulted and it will produce problems on both sides. Please vote independent, our kids could use a break. I agree with KS freeman.


New member
This won't be the last time the "party of family values" protects a pedophile.

I lean toward the Democratic side. So sue me. But, that notwithstanding, the above quote is NOT WHAT THIS IS ABOUT.

I am a professional in the physical sciences, just like our congressmen are professional politicians. Being a professional doesn't just mean you get paid the big bucks (cough). It means you try to use your knowledge and experience to accomplish what's right. I can't tell you how many times I have told parts suppliers that no, I would NOT specify their inferior part in my company's product, not even for a nice gift or a trip somewhere or even a fancy job at their company. MY COMPANY gave me my paycheck and, non-corporation-loving as I may be, it is MY COMPANY that is going to get whatever benefit it's paying me for. I owe it to them. It's ethical. It's what separates me from a snake oil salesman.

What this is about is, no matter which party, a parade of so-called professionals who are really prostitutes. Would I jail them for being prostitutes in itself? No, but I sure as hell would change sides of the street if I saw them walking toward me.

No wonder they chase little boys.


New member
Camp David,

I believe that my quote really is what this is all about. Ponder it for a second: How long would this scumbag have been allowed near children if the party leadership had held their ideals above party politics? Suppose this had happened immediately after an election. Suppose the offender was a Democrat.
The reaction was changed because of political considerations. And both parties are guilty as heck.
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