Who is considered a collector?


New member
I'm not sure what you are asking. Are you looking at a way to collect guns and have it as a tax write off?


New member
No, I think you cannot buy but one gun per month unless you are a collector. I'm not sure if this is a federal law or state by state law. I know you also need special permits to purchase certain classes of firearms.


New member
Depending on how involved you get into collecting the one gun a month law may not interfere with you collecting. You may have to search long and hard for certain models or the prices be so high you can only afford one specimen every few months.
Now if you are looking at the collector's status to allow you to just get around the one gun a month law then maybe you should read all the particulars of your law dealing with collectors.


New member
yes - get the forms off the batf site. for $30 you get a curio and relic license for 3 years. it allows you to buy anything over 50 years old and have it sent to your house. theres no limit of 1 per month - you can get as many as you can afford.


New member
I too live in MD

The MD State Police have a free ($0) state level program that allows recognized collectors to purchase more than one regulated firearm per month without having to completed the multi-purchase form. I think you can obtain an application from the state police barracks or some FFL's may have the form. Not sure where you live but I submitted mine through the guys at Md Small Arms (301-599-0800) last March and they even notarized and mailed it for me! About three weeks later I received a letter explaining that my collector status has been approved and that I can purchase to my heart's (even if not my bank account's) content. Sounds like what you are looking for. Got my C&R a little later in July.