Who here wouldn't have shot this sunufabitch?! pt2

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Alan B

New member
For all you people out there who want to place some or all the blame on the mother... I cant tell you what I really feel about that comment as Rich would probably boot me from the form. While it might not have been the smart thing to do it is not illegal either. I know the area where this happened and it is a good part of town with in a 1 mile radius there is a 4H youth center, 20 theater movie complex, a major mall, several big strip malls, and half dozen churches.

It was reported this morning that the last words the mother heard were her little boy begging her to save him.

What are you going to do to this mother that is going to punish her more than those pleas haunting her the rest of her life. This family has no other children and I for one will be surprised if they recover from this tragedy with out committing suicide.

The prosecuting attorney was crying when he read the charges in court and they are going to try to get a grand jury to indite this slime for first degree murder. He was just released from prison an hour earlier and dropped of by a police officer within a mile of place where he stole the SUV. (I AM NOT SAYING THIS TO PICK ON THE COP WHO DROPED OFF THIS PERP, OR THE PEOPLE WHO AUTHORIZED HIS RELEASE only to report it). The perpetrator had other warrants and had they shown he would not have been released.

This whole town is in a state of total shock over this child’s death and not so much the death as the cold blooded callousness of the “alleged” perpetrator and the horrific way this child died. On the news one of the guys who captured this creep says he hasn’t slept since.

Now for another piece of great news. I know this family My mother rents to his aunt and to say that they are devastated is like understating the effect of this event.

So if you have to pick on the mothers choice in leaving her child in the car…SAVE IT.

Here is the creep him self

If you cant tell I am still trying to cope with my anger here.

[This message has been edited by Alan B (edited February 24, 2000).]


New member
I'm not sure I would place much blame on the mother. My mom left me in the car on several occasions as she ran quick errands. I have left children in the car while I ran in to pay for gas and such. I did lock doors and take keys, but that does not mean much. Th eblame lies totally with the scumbag who killed the kid. I cant believe they let the a$$shole out. Maybe hell end up dead soon and save the taxpayers some $$ in not having to prosecute the bastard. Just hope he has to taste his own blood for a while before he dies. Why the hell is he wearing a vest?

[This message has been edited by TAZ (edited February 24, 2000).]


Retired Screen Name
I dunno, guys, my parents used to let me go to the car whenever I got bored with our endless trips through antique malls. I'd just say "Can I have the keys? I'm gonna go read."

I'd go out to the car, lock the door, turn on the radio, and read a book. I read a lot and I was in la la land when I read. Still do that. Were they bad parents? Maybe we just got lucky. I don't know. Disgusting all around, not the least of it that the mother will have to live with all this.

The lady in Australia is probably suffering right now, too, but to my mind she takes more blame. No other person had to intervene for her child to die. If nothing else happened in MO, the boy would have lived. If nothing else happened in Oz, the child had to die. This is shaping up to be a depressing day.


New member
The lady in Australia should be suffering. To leave an infant in a car while she was in a casino for 2 hours?? I'm not so sure I can see a lot of difference between these two. You think this was the first time she had ever done anything like that? I rather doubt it.

To think about what that poor little boy in MO went through sends chills up my spine. To try and imagine what his parents are going through is impossible.

I am glad that cooler heads prevailed at the scene of the capture of this piece of human waste. I hope that he gets the full measure of the law brought upon him. And I hope that 15 years from now we don't see his pleading face on TV begging for mercy like that old gal(the Black Widow) in TX this morning. Hopefully the state of MO will have ended his miserable life long before that.

bullet placement is gun control


New member
Alan, I'm still shaking over this nightmare. Can this be constued as a "hate crime"?? If things were reversed here, everyone knows damn well that J. Jackson would be flying in on his Lear Jet. And it won't surprise me one bit if he still doesn't try to intervene on behalf of this POS.

"middle of the road"-where a yellow streak and dead carcasses are found.


New member
There's a lot of anger here as we all try to contain our outrage. I second TAZ and Gwinny. The kid's mom will put herself through hell with her own guilt. But what she did is very much understandable. It wasn't a high crime area. She probably kept the car running to keep the car cool with A/C. Heat should have been her overriding concern, not some just-released "ex-con" who decides to steal a car. It's broad day light.

I read in a novel somewhere (Heinlein?) that the just punishment for a crime is to have the perp suffer through the same crime as the victim. I agree that this satisfies some emotional stuff, but our constitution does not allow unusual punishment. That means we cant punish a sicko who tortured his/her victims.

I can see that the perp must've been surprised to see the kid. If he had a shred of conscience in him, he should've tried to drive the kid to a hospital when he headed back into the car.

Will I shoot him? Only to stop him from driving and getting away. As a bystander I have no right to take vengence. Some other folks may not be able to contain their outrage the same way, that's why the MO police put a vest on this POS. Our anger management Or lack thereof put the LEO's in the position of having to protect this perp.

****, now I have to go to my meeting...


New member
We had a lady come in one day to pawn something. She was in the store for about 25 minutes. As the transaction progressed, she said she had to go out to the car and check her kid.

Baby about 3-4 mos old. Beet red. Outside temp 105 deg. Limp neck. Wandering eyes.

We got some water and brot the temp down and the lousy b--ch just acted as if it was normal procedure.

The mother shares the blame.


New member
It's absolutely disgusting that they let the SOB out, he'll probably never see a day in court. Hopfully, it'll be because the public knows that they gave him a bullet proof vest ;)

The Bible is my lawbook. I turn the other cheek when applicable, and spend the rest of my days resisting evil at every front, until I have breathed my last breath.

Alan B

New member
I hope that nothing like this happens to anyone you know, it might shake your current belief. There is a big difference between this case and the one you sight. Jake had a tough first few years and took a lot of care from his parents and the local medical community before he grew out of his problems. Are you also saying that the mother of little girl who was abducted raped and killed last fall, is also responsible, after all she let her daughter play in the front yard.

There is only one guilty party here and he is in jail.

here is a picture for you


and the article


New member
I would have hated to be a LEO that brought him in, I would have been looking over my shoulder the whole time.

Supercell: I agree with you all the way.

But the way things are today, He(the MF) was deprived as a kid, didnt know who his father was, mother beat him..

[This message has been edited by glockguy45 (edited February 24, 2000).]


New member
Such a terrible tragety, i fully understand the comments of many here and when i see actions like this i have to shake my head and wonder. Let's hope the criminal justice system takes its full measure on this subject. I suppose one can find solice that this child is now cradeled in GODS loving embrace and knows only joy and love in that kingdom. Yet god still holds this love and forgiveness for the man who committed this act of hate and violence. His final judgement will be before God... there are no appeals in that court.


Retired Screen Name
Alan--take it easy. Lavan is referring to the case HS just told us about in Australia, where yesterday a woman left her child locked in a car with the windows up for 2 hours while she was in a casino having fun. The child died and the inside temperature was apparently 140 degrees fahrenheit. Definitely similar. I don't know what I would have done with that woman if I'd been in Lavan's place.
I am so pi---d right now I'm shaking with anger. As outraged as I am about the death of this child, it pushes me over the edge when I read gutless, liberal drivel of how the mother shares in the guilt for this tragic incident. If she had not had her son with her it would not have happened or if she kept him at home locked in his room it would not have happened! Hell, if she had never given birth to the child it would have never happened! What does an honest person have to do to not share in the blame for a crime against them? If I am mugged is it partly my fault for carring money in my wallet or for being so stupid as to be walking on a public sidewalk? There will be people on the jury with the same attitude who will let this scum walk with a wrist slap. I can't believe the jerk wasn't aware of the boy tangled in the seat belt. I can imagine he was screaming quite loudly while he was still concious and his body had to be bouncing on the pavement and hitting the side of the vehicle. The scum didn't care. He is just as responsible for the death of that little boy if he had put a gun to his head and shot him. If he had not stolen that vehicle the little boy would be at home right now watching TV or playing Nintendo. Bleeding heart attitudes like that are what have given us the sorry excuse for a judicial system that only serves the criminal. You cannot immagine the hell this family will go through at the trial for this slime bag. He will be brought into court in a 3 piece suit, clean shaven, bathed, and with a proper hair cut. He will be made out to be a victim of the evils of society and not responsible for what happened. It will be the mother's fault for leaving the boy in the car. The parents are going to have to listen to every gresome detail of their child's death. There will be pictures of the mangled body for the jurors to see. Do you know how much pain that causes? I do! If you have never lost a child to a senseless murder, you don't have the remotest idea of how it hurts. Please, don't anger me even more by saying you can imagine, because you can't. Then you have the judicial system add insult to injury. No wonder we have the cowardly society we have today. There is just no moral indignation towards the worst of behavior.


New member
I think the person that did the perps hair should also stand trial . Anyway , to blame the mom is academic . When I lived in the Iowa , South Dakota area it was no big thing to leave a child secured in a vehicle . You didn't need to lock them in . If they could understand what you tell them they could just wait for you . People should not have to fear for things like this . Back in Watertown S.D. you can leave your keys in the car all day and night without fear . House key ? I could not tell you where it was , if we ever had one . If people like this were punished in a way fitting the crime then crime would be way down or not even exist . I would not even think of coming in your house while you are not there unless you told me to . I don't know how many of you are from the mid-west but it is not unusual for someone to say " If you need my shotgun come by tomorrow . If I'm not home it's in the spare bedroom in the closet . Shells are on the shelf if you need some " . To go from that to the crap like this poor dead child is beyond belief . I also believe the post that insinuates that every excuse available will be used . Who made him this way ? I'll tell you . A society so worried about being politically correct . The O.J. trial showed that . If that was Bubba killing his ex and her friend he would be long dead by now . When people are forgiven and excused for virtually every wrong thing that can be done just because it would resemble racism there is a problem . This guy just went through life like he didn't care not to mention a system that was asleep at the wheel . This punk will outlive me with the present system . And probably eat better too .And he's not the only one . He's just the one today . We need to work on that " Cruel and Unusual " phrase . Maybe we can stretch it as much as the system is .



A memorial fund for the child has ben set up and donations may be sent to :
Jake Robel Memorial Fund
C/O Mercantile Bank
3630 S. Noland Road
Kansas City, MO. 64055

[This message has been edited by CHEMNCO917 (edited February 24, 2000).]


New member
Lavan, it would be real neighborly if you called the county social services on that woman that came into your pawn shop. Hopefully she'd lose the kid pronto to foster care.

Mister G

New member
Well, let's see..........White child dragged to death by black man.

Is this a "hate crime?" Will there be a national outcry?

No - white males are an endangered species, but the season on them is all year long.
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