Who here uses hearing protection when hunting?

Do you wear hearing protection when hunting

  • Always

    Votes: 21 31.3%
  • Never

    Votes: 34 50.7%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 12 17.9%

  • Total voters


New member
When bird hunting this season I haven't been using hearing protection. I did when I was younger but dont anymore. Do you? Let me know for yes, no, or somtimes, and what kind of hunting you do.


Staff In Memoriam
I hunt small game, deer and hogs, and shoot rabbits dove, squirrels at the house. Never wear ear protection. Too far gone to worry about it now...


New member
All depends on what I'm hunting. I hunt almost everything, from elk to quail. The only times I wear ears are when on a dog town with a few friends around or when I'm driving the truck with a shooter on top (took me one time to realize that when someone shoots off the roof right over the rolled down window it's ouch city, still forget every once in a while though:eek:) So basically only while prairie dog huntin'


New member
In the field no.............

But I think if I hunted out of one of those boxes over a field and shot one of those hot magnums I would...............

My old .35 Rem going off in the swamp just ain't that loud..............


New member
Never, for more a couple of good reasons. Hearing protection is not only about the magnitude but duration of exposure. I work in industry all my life and never had problems with hard hats, Safety glasses, breathing protection and hearing protection. My hearing is excellent and can hear a squirrel climbing up a tree, within 25 yards. I do waer safety glasses while hunting as I have gotten burned my M/L primers.

Be Safe !!!!


New member
When I'm out for big game, I never use it.
When I shoot doves in Uruguay (500 doves a day) I surely do.


Andre Tiba - Brazil


New member
ear protection

I hunt dux, but in the event I am deer hunting I'll try to put them on before I shoot.


New member
I never do either. When I was in H.S., we used to hunt or just shoot out in the woods all the time. A few years later, went in the Navy and almost got the boot within the first week because my hearing was so bad. I still don't wear it, I guess I have a rather wide learning curve. Although, I'm not as "trigger happy" as I was back then either.


New member
I don't like to wear it while I'm out hunting since that is a very good sense to have while hunting. However while out shooting targets that .30-06 gets pretty darn loud...


New member
For big game(deer) I'm not one to sling lead all over the place - one shot is all you get most times. For that reason i dont wear hearing protection - besides deer are pretty sneaky, you need all your senses.:eek:


New member
It depends upon the weapons being carried by myself and the others in my party, how many shots I think we'll be firing, and what we are hunting.

For big game... never.
Small game... it really depends.

phil mcwilliam

New member
I don't wear hearing protection when I'm hunting, as I prefer to being able to listen for animals. It also depends on the gun that you shoot-most 223's are noticeably quieter than 30-06"s. I owned a S&W 44 magnum that left your ears ringing after every shot, no doubt doing damage each time. Without hearing protection firing this pistol was like having a sledge hammer hit an anvil next to your ear with each shot. I think most people take their hearing for granted until too late. A close mate of mine that I've hunted with most of my life is now considering a hearing aid- 45 years old & hearing loss attributed to shooting. Maybe I should wear hearing protection.
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New member
I dont use it,whitetails are very quiet walkers and normally one missed twig breaking and youll never see em.Anyway im usually so excited I dont hear the 30-06 blast ;)
I like to listen to everything around me when I'm out in the woods.

I don't like to wear it while I'm out hunting since that is a very good sense to have while hunting.

For big game(deer) I'm not one to sling lead all over the place - one shot is all you get most times. For that reason i dont wear hearing protection - besides deer are pretty sneaky, you need all your senses.

I don't wear hearing protection when I'm hunting, as I prefer to being able to listen for animals.

I see and hear these sorts of sentiments repeated time after time. The fact of the matter is that being able to hear is not mutually exclusive from hearing protection, although comments like this would seem to indicate that it is.

Swampghost gets it...
Peltor Tactical, great stuff and a great company.

Electronic hearing protection gives you access to both worlds. You have protected hearing while at the same time being able to hear. In many cases, you can actually hear a lot better with electronic muffs and so your sense of hearing is better than going without protection.
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New member
Nope, no protection while hunting for me. I wear it all other times, but haven't found a reason to do so while hunting. It's just bow 'n' arrow and shotguns for me anyway, though I may try to get in to BP sometime.:)


New member
As far as I'm concerned, with the high quality and low price of electronic ear protection today, you're foolish if you don't use it.