Who has an SO that carries?


New member
Why does she carry? Was it mostly because of you?

After thinking about it... I told my wife I don't want her to carry. Because I don't think she has the motivation to train and practice like someone should that takes on such a responsibility. She understands. I would love for her to... But at this point in time it would be risky I think.

Anyone have an SO that carries and "really" knows how to use a gun? Like ripping off a mozambique from concealment?


New member
I taught quite a few of my girlfriends to shoot, and consequently they ended up carrying out of their own volition. And when I say 'shoot' I don't mean with .22s at targets, but putting down steel with failure drills while timed with their carry guns. It's funny, but I remember who they were by what they ended up choosing for a carry gun.


New member

mine does - has a ccw from 3 dufferent states
she's really into vintage sniper rifles and has a very nice collection of WWII combat weapons - as far as pistols go she leaves that to me but she does carry a S&W 638 and fires it without hesitation-now she wants a .380 for a nightstand companion and i am considering the beretta or CZ for that
i guess it just depends on the girl - she was raised around guns so it easy for her ----god i love that girl:D

N.H. Yankee

New member
My wife carries a S&W model 19 357 with golden saber 125gr. The only one in her family that had any guns is her brother who was big into postal match shooting. Matter of fact he's the one that got me interested in shooting in competition.


My wife carries and she's almost as good as shot as me. She'd drop the hammer on you in a heartbeat, too. She decided she didn't want to become a statistic and I wouldn't always be around to cover her. If the mess hits the blades, I know she's either by my side or she's got my back.


New member
Our anniversary i got my wife a Glock 19 O.D. frame.We were in Gatlinburg ,TN with friends and when she opened up the box she said "How did you know i liked green?"Our friends were a little taken back when she pulled it out,and held it up for everyone to see.


New member

My wife has a G31, I got her the LWD barrel for it for Valentines so she can shoot the lead bullets, she loves it!!


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Nobody in their right mind would want to try to come between momma bear and her cubs. Anyone with bad intentions would have a much better chance of surviving an encounter with me than an encounter with my wife.


New member
My girlfriend carries. In the beginning she was hesitant about telling me she carried a handgun, I told her I love handguns. She then told me that she was carrying a Springfield Armory 1911:D She now carries a little Ruger LCR that I bought for my Silver Comet Trail Adventures:( Oh well, one more reason to go back to the gun shop!


New member
My ex-girlfriend did, and I'm not ashamed to say, she was a better shot. Grouped shots like crazy. She is a Fed, that's why she carried. We both knew very well before we started to date that we both carried handguns. Only problem we had was she is a Lefty, I'm a righty, we used to bang guns.


New member
Yes, my wife does.
A Smith and Wesson model 649-2 J-frame revolver.
5 rounds of Speer 135gr Gold Dot HP ammo with 2 bianchi speed strips and a HKS speed loader.

She is transitioning to a Glock model 26 sub compact 9mm, 10+1 rds of 124gr Gold Dot. It has night sights and she carries a glock 19 spare mag with 15 more rounds in her purse or pocket. Milt Sparks SSII holster, IWB.

She has both to choose from depending upon her attire or what she is doing each day. :D


New member
My girlfriend has been talking about getting her permit. I definitely think it is because of me though since she never thought about it before we started dating. I fully support her decision either way and will not pressure her at all.


Hhhmmm...Yeah, my s.o./spouse carries. And with re: to telling anyone not to carry...that's not anything I ever want to go near. Assuming the thread's author's s.o. is an adult, it seems to me that's a decision for each free-citizen to make on his/her own accord. It also seems to me that law-abiding adults' decisions to carry is grounded in the assumption that LEO's can't always be there to protect them. So, is it reasonable to assume that's any of us can always be there to protect our s.o.'s??? [I won't even get into the area of whether all of us have the skills to even do the job.:cool:]--Patrice
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New member
yep my wife does.every day her taurus 38 snub, and she also has her s&w 918 9mm. damn good shot may i add also.


New member
My husband carried for awhile, but it's really not his thing. Getting him to the range was always a chore, and finally he decided that he was better off without it.

I'm proud of him that he tried, and confident that if he needed to use it at home he would at least know which end to point at the enemy. ;)


michael t

New member
mine carries a P-32 She can shoot the 32 its fits in her life style and after the snub 38 and others. This what she carries every day no more I left it home and she will practice with it unlike the others.