Who got an NRA ballot


New member
And who are you voting for?

For all you folks who constantly complain about the NRA, here is a chance to do something about it.


New member
K80 I really don't know if voting for a bunch of folks who are hand picked (my guess) by Wayne LaP will do much to change the NRA. That is why I always first vote for the one's on the ballot by petition and then select those by the nominating committe as is suggested by Tim Burke.


New member
I got mine Wednesday, I haven't looked at it yet.
I'll probably go through it Sunday afternoon, and mail
it Monday



New member
If more folks would do as you do PWK and as Tim Burke does, things might change for the better.

Remember you do not have to vote for 26, you can vote only for one if you so desire.

Withholding a vote may be just as good as voting!


New member
Those are a couple of good ideas. I glanced at mine, but yesterday was digging in the yard day and today I'm doing taxes (sooner or later maybe) and going to the range.



New member
IndianaDean you have to be a five year member or above, life, benefactor to vote so that may be why you haven't gotten one in your March 06 magazine.

By the way the 5 nominees who were nominated by petition are: Johnny Nugent, David C. Jones, Curtis S. Jenkins, Amy Heath and David Zavadil.

Happy voting to all.


New member
There is a thread at THR on a lawsuit filed by DZ back in 2003 while DZ was a lawyer for the NRA. I see by his bio that he no longer is with the NRA. Seems a former NRA lawyer could get nominated by the nominating commitee rather than go out on his own. Think I'll withold my vote for him for a while.

Just did a search here at TFL for David Zavadil and got nothing. Maybe a thread can't be searched if its been locked.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
On or about 1/11/06, Mr. Zavadil "peppered" us with 8 identical posts spread throughout TFL. All but one was deleted. I locked that thread and sent Mr. Zavadil an email, requesting a response that he would engage the members in dialogue:
Mr. Zavadil;

The Firing Line is "a virtual community dedicated to the discussion and advancement of responsible firearms ownership." As such, there are many members of this board who are NRA members, such as myself, even to being life members.

Your first posting was deleted by our lead staff member for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that people who log in to self promote their candidacy, seldom if ever come back and respond to our members concerns. The post becomes a virtual "hit and run."

You have come back, early this morning and reposted, word for word, your original post. I have to wonder if this was done in order to bypass the moderators... There is that appearance. Regardless, there have been several responses to your post. I have locked that thread until I hear from you that you will return to this board in open dialogue with the membership who may wish to question your motives for candidacy and how you would change practices within the NRA.

If your post was merely an announcement, then it will be deleted.

Al Norris
Legal & Political Moderator
The Firing Line
That was sent on 01/12/06. I have yet to receive a response. The closed thread is here.

Additionally, if you go to the website advertised in his initial post, you will not see any way to contact the man. Not what I would call candidate material.


New member
Right now I am voting for J. Nugent, JD Williams, David C. Jones, Bill Bauer, Curtis S. Jenkins, Scott L. Bach, John P Burtt, Amy Heath, Steve Hornady, Robert K. Brown, JOhn Smithbaker.

I am glad to see some interest being paid to this election. In past NRA elections the ballots hardly got a mention.

Originally I was voting fro DZ but have dropped him for now.


New member
Anyone know why he is no longer with the NRA, and why he was nominated by petition? His posts were definitely spam. But that would not necessarily make him a bad director.

We know very little about the directors, who they are and why they should lead the NRA.

Other than the celebrities, the only Directors I personally have met are Tom King and John Cushman (re elected last year). I vote for both because I have seen their leadership and work in NY State.

Amy Heath is active with the GOA and in organizing womens shooting groups in NYC!!! (That alone qualifies her for sainthood IMHO) She also sings the national anthem at NRA and other gun org functions I attended when I lived in NY.

Other than these three I know nothing about the others. I would like to know more. There needs to be more discussion.