Who else has a Smartcarry holster?


New member
My Smartcarry holster arrived Saturday. I put it on with just shorts and hung around the house. My wife had no idea I had my PT945 on me. It's very comfortable, even when sitting. I tried it with jeans and it doesn't work very well. It would if you wore very loose fitting jeans. With jeans I'm happy with my IWB in the SOB with the shirt untucked. This solves the problem for when I wear sweats or shorts. With smartcarry you don't even have to wear a shirt.For the sake of the general public, I wear a shirt anyway. :barf: Other holster would almost pull my drawers down due to weapon weight.For just under $50 including shipping, it's well worth the money.


New member
I have a couple of them, and I find they work well for guns up to the size of perhaps the Keltec P11. My jeans must not be a tight as yours, because I use it with my Colt Mustang in the jeans, though it's easier in regular slacks.


New member
The only problem with my jeans was it seemed to show a bit and it didn't seem as flexible. Overall I'm very happy with the holster.


New member
I have a SmartCarry too. I can only wear it with sweat pants or loose jeans with a large loose shirt, as my Makarov doesn't hide very well with it.

It's a good tool to have in the arsenal, however, for those times when nothing else will work. (the other day I was painting my porch and wearing sweatpants and a wifebeater t-shirt.You can't very well hook an IWB with a Mak in it on the waistband of sweats without losing your pants all together!)

Just like the bellyband, the IWB and the fanny pack, the SmartCarry has its use, depending on the situation.



New member
I ordered one this weekend for my P-99.I know I probably can't use it all the time but it'll be a nice addition to my IWB.I figured with the 60 day return option It can't hurt to try it.


New member
I am wearing mine as I write. I love it. It fills a need when IWB can't be worn & as has been said with proper size pants you never know its there.:cool:


New member

Exactly. It fills the void. Anything with an elastic waistband, IWB is out of the question. It was pretty warm today in New Hampshire and I had my Smartcarry on with sweats. It was alot more comfortable than jeans and IWB. PT945 4.25" barrel. No need to switch to a mouse gun.



New member

It seems your gun is bigger than mine;) Do you find it comfortable in the Smartcarry?Mine holster should be here today or tomorrow...can't wait.


New member

I've only worn it twice and I'm very happy with it. It conceals great and I'm surprised at how comfortable it is, even when I sit. Most of my jean fit well, not too loose and not too tight. Smartcarry didn't work well with them. I felt like it bulged too much(I looked like a porn star) and sitting was uncomfortable. With jeans it's the small of the back IWB. I've tried my wife's little .38 and you could forget you're carrying a gun. The PT945 is about as large of a gun I would carry with Smartcarry. When I ordered it, the guy said my gun called for a medium holster.


New member
My Smartcarry holster arrived yesterday.Charlie sent me a size MED for my P-99 and it couldn't fit any better.I put it on under my regular jeans and it fit fine without any bulges.My jeans are a bit baggy though.I wore it out for a couple of hours while the wife and I went for coffee and I sat comfortably for about an hour while reading at the coffee shop.Later that evening I kept it on while changing into pajamas and didn't remove it untill retiring to bed.Worn for a total of 7 hours and I am very pleased with it.


New member
Great to hear it worked out. I'll be in Disney next week. So I'll probably have mine on everyday, all day in that warm weather. With elastic waist bands, like on shorts and sweats, the draw isn't too bad either.

My Smartcarry pictures

It doesn't interfere with my package. :( Oh well.


New member
My order arrived yesterday.

This may very well be the perfect deep concealment rig. It is well made, and comfortable to wear. After familiarizing myself with the drawnig technique, my draw times are averaging around 2.5 seconds. Considering that this is a deep concealment rig I've owned for a day, I'm pleased.

I'll let anyone know of any complaints that might come up. I donlt forsee any, though.


New member
Those are VERY impressive pictures, Fivepaknh. I never considered one of these before, thinking that they would be very uncomfortable.

I do have a question that I am not sure how to ask. When going to the fairgrounds perhaps and needing to go to the men's room, is it a major "ordeal" with a smartcarry or is there a way to kinda get around (what would appear to me to be) an inconvenience?

I am not questioning the effectiveness of this type carry (looks VERY effective!). I was just curious as to how much inconvenience this causes (if any) in a crowded public restroom.


New member

In an empty restroom with an elastic waistband, I just pull the waist band down a little further than usual and shift the Smartcarry to one side. In a crowded restroom it(I haven't run into this situation yet) I'll just use a stall. This is of course talking about going number one. It's only slightly more effort in this department, but considering the comfort and the concealability, it's well worth the trade.