who do you think makes the ugliest rifles?


New member
I've gotten a fair number of rifle catalogs from some of the big names in the gun industry and while most make finely crafted pieces of work, there were a couple whose guns made me cringe.

I got the 2011 Savage Arms catalog in the mail the other day and I thought quite a few of their firearms were quite the eyesore, especially the rifles with the loud colors and the thumb-holes on the rifle stock. I also found the Henry commemorative rifles to be pretty butt ugly. but then again, i'm not a fan of commemorative firearms anyways and I find most scroll work unattractive. I guess it depends on the scroll work itself and who's doing it. I think I may have seen a couple of ugly Brownings too, but I can't recall the names of the guns.

so what about you? are there certain types of rifles (or other firearms for that matter) that you despise?


New member
Pretty is as pretty does.

If it's ugly but shoots accurately and reliably, then it isn't ugly. If it's pretty but can't hit the broad side of the barn from the inside and/or can't feed/fire/extract 99.9% of the time, then it isn't pretty.


New member
I suppose.

but would you drive an ugly AMC Gremlin if you knew it was a good runner, or would you rather drive a porsche knowing it was a gas guzzler prone to mechanical failures?


New member
As long as it isn't "tactical" I'm okay with ugly so long as it's reliable and accurate.

I'll admit my Savage 110 isn't the prettiest rifle I've ever seen with the barrel lug, but damn it shoots.

Evan Thomas

New member
The ugliest rifle I've ever seen is the Henry Survival Rifle, in... silver. It's not just ugly, it looks like an ugly toy.

When my pal was looking for a .22 plinker, the guy in the pawnshop pulled one out of the back room.... I warned my pal that I'd never want to be seen in the woods with her if she was carrying that. :p

I'm sure it works fine, but still... :barf:


New member
One reason I have never considered the Savage 110 is that it is ugly. From all reports it is very accurate, but I do care about looks as far as the lines go. The action with the bolt and rear of the bolt is very ugly to me.



New member
Savage for me, never owned one just do to the chintzy look on them. There 800+ guns are nice but the cheaper ones are just horrible looking, all the seams are visible where the stock was made as well as plastic feeling metal


New member
+1 on the multi color thumbhole Savages. I plan on getting a Mark II, but I'm going to get a traditional looking one. Those twisted barrels that Savage is making look kinda cool but put with the thumbhole stock and multi colors it makes the barrel look horrendous.


New member


New member
Wow Tikirocker thats surprising, usually people hate stainless on wood. I just bought a A Bolt 25th anniversery wood and stainless as well as a stainless T/C Pro Hunter thats black synethetic and Im pleased so far


New member

I hate stainless on anything, so I should clarify, like the butter. ( Hey, at the end of the day ... eye of the beholder )



New member
but would you drive an ugly AMC Gremlin if you knew it was a good runner, or would you rather drive a porsche knowing it was a gas guzzler prone to mechanical failures?

If my life depends on it, the Gremlin. If my livelihood depends on it, the Gremlin. If my hobby depends on it, the Gremlin. The failure-prone Porsche in this example is only worthwhile if you either never need to go anywhere or you have a reliable Gremlin in the driveway for when the Porsche breaks again.

IMO, there's WAY too much concern about looks, and I see it in most every discipline- handgun, rifle, shotgun, even the tactical shooting crowd (although it's much more predominant with the traditionalists).

The job of a firearm is to deliver a projectile to a desired location. Everything else is secondary.