Who carries in non-CCW states?


New member
Okay, since I live in a state where it's illegal to carry at all, this has been on my mind for a while. How many of you live in states where carrying is illegal, but still do? I realize that it could mean getting in to a lot of trouble, but when it comes down to it, I'd rather have it on me than sitting useless at home.


---Don't worry, I've got plenty more ammo where THAT came from!


New member
New around here, aren't ya? ;)

Nobody with a brain is going to answer that kind of question. Think about it - you CAN be traced from what you write on any board, in any e-mail. What you write is admissable as evidence, and could be probable cause for search and arrest.

I can appreciate the question, but any responses you get will be untrustworthy.


New member
Depends on the state. In most places it is a misdemeanor and at the most you would be looking at a $500 fine. I carried for most of 20 years until I finally got a permit last year and was never suspected. Even when receiving traffic citations, you just have to be VERY careful. You don't go around with a 1911 and a photo journalist vest or wear blue jeans and a fanny pack either. When going out of state I would frequently call the local PD to inquire about the local laws before going there. In New Orleans the detective gave me his name and number and told me to call him if I had any problems. On the other hand I cancelled a trip to San Fransisco after speaking to a detective there.


New member
The key word here in CCW is Concealed. If you carry whether it is permitted or not, it is legal according to the second amendment, keep the weapon concealed. I've carried in D.C. as well as New York and many other places where it was not permitted. I've also carried in other countries where it was illegal to carry. But never in an overt manner nor with the clothing mentioned above. :)

If you carry discretely no one should know. Yes, be careful anytime you are around LE. Not that they will mistreat you, but if they "discover" a weapon on your person it could get very sticky.

If you are unsure then I wouldn't do it.

The best weapon for self defense is the one you have when the need arises!


Jeff and SKS are right. Just don't advertise it. And if you are caught, why were you caught? Were you robbing a gas station? Were you stalking someone? That's the point. If you are not doing something illegal, a cop cannot just pat you down. If you are suspicious, they can then pat you down if they have reason to talk to you in the first place. If they do, take them to court and the supreme court and fight it as an individual right thing. Bet you all thought I would say something like "shoot 'em", huh? LOL.

"Vote with a Bullet."


New member
Okay, there you guys go, proving me wrong...

What I meant was that anyone who says "I live in D.C. and I've been carrying for five years now, blah blah blah..." is either lying, or an idiot.

I used to carry before I had my permit, too. If you choose to, tell NO-ONE who doesn't absolutely NEED to know. Keep your nose clean, and do your utmost to avoid getting into a situation where you might have to even think about drawing.

With the economy as good as it is now, this is the time to consider moving to a CCW state. You'll be happier and safer just for the move, and even better off once you get a permit.


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Claemore70: ... If you are not doing something illegal, a cop cannot just pat you down ... [/quote]I was sound asleep in the backseat of a car doing 80mph in a 55mph zone. When pulled over, I was awaken and searched. I wasn't doing anything illegal -- the driver was but not me :D


New member
A little reality check here guys, in DC, Chicago, NYC and God knows where else, if caught BEST CASE is you spend several thousand dollars on a lawyer and get off-WORST CASE is you spend the money and still get a year in prison. If memorey serves Getz was sent to jail not for shooting the BGs, but for having a 44mag in NYC. Just my 2$

Jeff, CA

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FUD:
Originally posted by Claemore70: ... If you are not doing something illegal, a cop cannot just pat you down ...
I was sound asleep in the backseat of a car doing 80mph in a 55mph zone. When pulled over, I was awaken and searched. I wasn't doing anything illegal -- the driver was but not me :D


I wasn't even speeding. I was driving a car the same color as a guy who had evidently been involved in some sort of fight. At least, that's all the Sacramento County sheriff's deputies would tell me (I think they were just bored that night).

The point? Just being discrete isn't enough. You must be prepared to face the consequences even if you're doing absolutely nothing wrong.


New member
About carrying illegally in other countries, I think (other than getting the weapon itself) this would be easier than carrying in the US.

In the US the cops have an inkling of what to look for in someone carrying concealed. In countries where guns are less frequent, cops never suspect their presence.



New member
Battler, you are right to a certain degree and even the weapon is more easily attainable. One of the advantages of overseas carry, if there is one, is that most of the cops can be bribed. It is just a way of life in most of the world. If you speak the language then you can dicker with them and normally get off.

However, if you offend them, then you had better be prepared to pay mucho bucks or spend some serious time in a real jail. Where you have to purchase your own food and you have no rights.

Beherethen, you make the point so very well. It's better to be tried by 12 than carried by six. At least Getz is alive and walking whereas if he hadn't been armed he would just be another statistic for the NYPD. You are right, be prepared to face the consequences if you carry where they don't permit it.

The best weapon for self defense is the one you have when the need arises!

Mark King

New member
Battler, I disagree with you. I've carried more times than I can remember around American LEOs and have NEVER been made. A former neighbor on the Orlando PD would see me and want to know what and where I was carrying, cause he KNEW I carried, but he couldn't actually determine where it was.
But when in London during a bombing spree by the IRA, the LEOs look over everyone with intense scrutiny. This was especially evident near crowded areas and outside train and bus stations and even more so near airports. just my $.02
BTW back to topic. No, I don't carry where it is illegal for me to do so. I just try and avoid trips to those locations. Mark / FL

Jack 99

New member
FWIW, I used to carry in Idaho before I had a permit. Never really thought anything of it. I think its a misdemeanor there. I knew a lot of cops, even shot pins with half the police dept.

In California I don't even chance it.