White Oak / Compass lake Upper worth?


New member
What is the worth of the following?

1. White Oak Precision .223 Service Rifle 1/4" sights Krieger SS Upper
CWS recoil system
~650 rnds

2. Compass Lake .22LR Service Rifle 1/4" sights Krieger SS Upper

3. AR15 Rock River Arms Lower with Geissle adjustable Service Rifle Trigger

Thanks in Advance

I have a lot of High Power stuff to sell


New member
A white Oak Precision upper w/ a Kreiger barrel is about $1000, so is the Compass lake 22 upper. I'm not sure what the CWS recoil system is but I don't think John puts any of those trinkets on his uppers, so it pry doesn't belong...

RR lowers are going for 500 or more, Geisels are about 250 or more. The competition uppers might be worth more now that these fools are paying 2K for $700 rifles.


New member
If your service rifles are complete and not just uppers you can add the price of lowers to the 1000; White Oak doesn't sell lowers so I assumed they were just uppers. You'll pry get more money by splitting the uppers from their lowers, you shouldn't have any problem selling the uppers with summer coming and huge backlogs of match uppers. And all the lowers will go for big bucks on gun broker.