White lettering


New member
I have a really nice S&W m12 on which I would like to fill the lettering and S&W logo with white. What to use?

James K

Member In Memoriam
Whiteout, white lipstick, grease pencil, crayon, paint. There is even a special product sold for that purpose. It depends on how permanent you want the white markings to be. If only for a photograph, it is one thing; if you want them to remain, it is another.



New member
Brownell's sell Lacquer-Stik. This is a large stick of material that is rubbed into the lettering, allowed to dry for a few minutes, and the excess rempved with a solvent. This is what machinest and gunsmiths use to fill lettering.
It comes in red, white, blue, gold, silver, and black.
There are a number of things that will work, but this works best, and lasts about forever.
I'd advise NOT using White Out, unless you intend to remove it immediately.

An acquaintance of mine use White Out to fill the lettering on one of his guns, left it for several weeks, and when he cleaned it off, the bluing came with it.


New member
Now you guys have me going!

I have a Ruger "BearCat" revolver with engraving of a bear and mountain lion on cylinder. You can't hardly see it because it's blue on blue.

What color should I use & will it look real nice or stupid? Gold, white, some other...


New member
After reading this

I ordered the sticks in gold, white and red.

I'm going to use the red on stainless, the white on blue and the gold on both.

Hope I don't go overboard, like the time I got the Tung Oil and did every rifle stock I own.
