White house, jobs and gun ownership...

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Staff In Memoriam
No details yet so if someone has info please post it...
I just heard a "blurb" that the whitehouse job application is NOW asking if you have "ever owned a firearm"... What does it matter and would it affect your chances if you say "NOT JOB RELATED" in the place of a yes or no...


Staff In Memoriam
Well ha-rumph:mad: Looks as though this is true! Buggers!
I missed a job offer as I would not allow my financial history to be released... Their job is to pay me for my job completed... I'll be derned if I am ever going to answer the question about guns as it not related to my ability to do the job I am applying for!


New member
To be Devil's Advocate here, every person hired by the administration to work in the White House to some degree represents that White House. If gun ownership, or any incidents involving the use of one could be considered a black eye to that administration it only makes sense that it be vetted now and not by a reporter later.

There are probably MANY things on the questionnaire which have nothing to do with the daily performance of the job and plenty on representing the incoming administration's ideals. That's life.


Staff In Memoriam
I fully understand that, musketeer, however if we have a president that feels his ideals to deny the 2A or any portion of the constitution or bill of rights than he should have bad things happen to his career!:D


however if we have a president that feels his ideals to deny the 2A or any portion of the constitution or bill of rights than he should have bad things happen to his career!

Let's get sensible here, people! I'm the last guy to take up for Rama Lama, but he hasn't taken office yet. He has NO Presidential authority and NO scope of action. If you check the date on that application, I think you'll find it was written well before ol' Socialism Boy got elected.

Let's at least play fair.


Staff In Memoriam
I am not accusing anyone nor saying that this is a new thing... Fox did report it today though...

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
I've been waiting for this particular subject to come up.

The staffing of the White House and the Administration of the President-Elect is purely a political topic. There just isn't any other way around it.

Purely political topics are now not allowed on TFL.

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