while indictment and conviction differ,Senator Memendez's situation is "interesting"


New member
As I recall, the Senator from New Jersey, now the subject of 7 plus criminal indictments has been prominent amongst congressional anti gunners. I note in passing that several other members of congress as well as political appointees, and holders of public office who were big on Gun Control have run afoul of the law. Crimes of violence were not involved, their crimes usually involved frauds of one sort or another, frauds and lying being an integral part of the rhetoric, the song and dance of Gun Control.

In fairness, the senator has not been convicted of anything however it seems that there is sufficient evidence for serious charges to have been brought, so we shall see what happens. Seems strange however, that a number of those in public office, Otto Kerner and Mario Biaggi to name two, became involved in illegal activities, while at the same time they held the constitutional rights of the law abiding in low regard, funny isn't it? Holders of public office are all sworn to "uphold, support and defend" the constitution, as memory serves.


New member
Has the good senator gone to trial yet? How might the anti gun apparatchiks in the California Justice System, Government and Legislature, perhaps the U.S.DOJ too, cover this awkward matter up. No doubt in my mind re it being covered up, or serious efforts being made to so do. I think however that l'affair Yee is another matter, weapons trafficking and mere con jobs being horses of a different color.


New member
So, speaking of Yee, any updates on the Cali Hypocrite? The MSM buried it, of course, but I was curious if you'd heard anything.