Which Would It Be?

Single Six

New member
This thread may well be a close cousin of the old "If You Could Have Just One Gun" bit, but join me in a suspension of disbelief long enough to answer this: We all know that pistols are supposed to have a "break-in" period before relying on them for protection...or so the "experts" say, anyhow. If, for whatever reason, you had to trust your life to a brand new, unfired, semi-automatic pistol, what make and model would it be? For me, it would be a Ruger P-90. Anyone else care to speculate?
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New member
To trust one's life to an untried pistol is fool hearty but I guess you knew that when you mentioned to suspend reality.

Out of the box reliability has to go to HK. To prove this, a bunch of years ago my class of about 60 were issued brand new HK .40 LEM. They came out of the case and directly to the range....not even a cleaning and lube. Each classmate fired at least 1000 rounds per day for 6 consecutive days before we were allowed to break 'em down and clean them. Not one person had any type of malfunction with their issued gun. I call that reliability.


New member
Beretta 92FS gets my vote

I actually shot mine straight out of the box - no cleaning, no lube, nothing. Loaded the mags and off we went. 500 rounds that day without a hiccup from the gun or the mags. Wore the paint off a bit in some spots, but still has yet to fail after close to 1500. Although I did clean and lube it after that first day.



I bought a brand new G17 (Gen3) about 3-4 months ago and have yet to have one hiccup.
It's simply the most reliable gun I own.

cougar gt-e

New member
Glock, HK, Sig, XD, Beretta ... the list goes on.

In the category of modern "combat handgun", it's very unusual to find one with a problem. Even then a problem is more often than not a user or ammo failure.

With all that said, it's just plain crazy to depend on an untested tool in a life and death situation. But if I was opening a gift box that had a full mag next to a modern "combat handgun" just as a gang of drug crazed thugs kicked the door in, I wouldn't run out to the range to verify it before defending myself!!


New member
I've never had one that didn't work right out of the box.

All guns mentioned are a good bet. I'll have to throw in my PT92 as well as the S&W plastic.

The CZ boys will be along shortly.



My HK P7M8 came out of the box in 1985 and fired perfectly then, and ever since. I have never had a single failure of any kind with that pistol. I never fired reloads or miltary surplus ammo, but I've fired about every different type of ammo from all the major manufacturers - Winchester, Federal, Remington, Speer, Hornady, everything from 115gr to 147gr - never had a failure to feed, eject or fire - never had any failure of any kind period.

So - If I had it to do all over again, I would have bought 5 of them.


New member
Skadoosh: That's easy...a Sig P226

I too am a Sig 226 fan, but I do not think I would ever want to take any semi-auto out of the box and bet my hide on it functioning :( -- unless I had run a few magazines through the thing first.


New member
I know which one it wouldn't be,,,

That would be any CZ pistol.

I've never seen a gun with so much oil on it from the factory,,,
Both of my brand new CZ's were slathered in oil.

Now after I cleaned them up they performed flawlessly,,,
And continue to perform in that fashion,,,
But out of the box?
No way.



New member
does a mateba/rhino count as semi auto?

My choice would probably be a USP or FNP/FNX or a glock coming in a close second. If i had to pick just one I'd pick the USP.


New member
I wouldn't like to defend myself with a new gun either.

BUT, if you unpacking a new one, (Regardless of model ) and just happen to have a loaded magazine or speedloader sitting there AND a badguy just walked into where ever you are, and started getting nasty, this would change my mind real fast, you could lose in more ways than one. So do what you got to do.

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New member
Beretta M9 or an older 92FS with straight dustcover and all metal parts(like my Police Special). One of the best fighting pistols ever created(easily in the top 3-4). Second choice would be a w.german SIG226 and third would be a CZ75.
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Sgt Pepper

New member
Most, if not all, new autoloaders have been factory fired at least once. I would not hesitate to trust a new Colt, Sig, Glock, Hk, Browning, FN, Springfield, Kahr, S&W, Beretta, Walther, or Ruger straight outta da box. They are going to work flawlessly.

lee n. field

New member
If, for whatever reason, you had to trust your life to a brand new, unfired, semi-automatic pistol, what make and model would it be? For me, it would be a Ruger P-90. Anyone else care to speculate?

Makarov or Glock.

My P90 actually had some teething problems, early on.