Which volume .22lr ammo?

Futo Inu

New member
Both Federal and Remington sell the big boxes at retail stores, I think 550 quantity, exact same price - which one do you prefer - specifically, does one cycle semi-autos more reliably than the other? Depend on rifle vs. pistol?

Chris W

New member
Undoubtedly it depends on the gun. Both of my .22s (a Smith 617 and a Ruger 77/22) shoot the bulk Winchester (high-velocity 36 gr. h.p.s) better than anything else I've come accross, and a lot better than the Remington or Federal. Not sure, obviously, if your local Walmart will have it; all mine do.


Bottom Gun

New member
I use both brands. The Federal won't cycle in all my semi's and the Remington seems a bit hotter.
They both shoot accurately.

Try some of each and see what you think.


New member
Futo - I recently started a similar thread asking about best ammo for Beretta 21A. Ya might wanto to use search engine for it. Seems like someone indicated that the Federal stuff could have as much as a 40% variance in powder. FWIW, what I ultimately settled on was Winchester Super X. At least in local gun store, it ($18) was about twice the price of the Rem. & Federal stuff at our Wally World. But ... at least with the Super X (and even more expensive CCI Velocitors) the 21A (when clean) goes bang EVERY time I pull the trigger. :) Overall tho, I've found pretty much any of the major brands of $10 bricks of 22LR work OK (for casual tarket practice and training) in single shot and bolt action rifles. It's the semis that get persnickety ... Keep testing till ya find one it likes ...
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Member In Memoriam
I have a problem with misfires with Federal bulk "Lightining's". The Remington works much better. CCI is very reliable also...........cost not counting my favorite is the Remington Standard Velocity Target.................that's what I use for serious work with a target rifle or pistol.


New member
I shoot Remington Thunderbolts in a Ruger 10/22, Ruger Mark I, Remington SpeedMaster, and a Remington 597. It seems to work the best with mine.


New member
Try them all???!!!

Hey! Futo asked a simple question, so he wouldn't have to try them all!

I think it was the Remington that I prefer ... those the gold colored coated ones?

Federal are the clear coated ones that simply show the color of the lead bullet?

In bulk, I prefer the gold colored ones. Though it seems both are fairly close to each other in performance.

IF have have a choice, and its not much more, the Federal Classic in 100 count are good.

My CHOICE is Winchester Super X High Velocity. I spend the extra couple bucks just to get these.

I AVOID PMC .22 at all costs.


New member
If you can find Aguila .22 buy it. I have had better luck with it working in ALL my .22's than with any other ammo, and it's usually pretty cheap. With the others, some works great in one gun, another in a different gun. The Mexican Aguila seems to work great in all 4 of my different brand .22's, rifles and pistols. It is as accurate as I am, and that's all I need, beyond function.
I must have 3-4,000 rounds of that stuff laying around here. Works great on armadillos, coon, possum and feral cats (the absolute WORST predator in the area).


New member
My Ruger 22/45 prefers the Federal. The Remington gets hung up on the feed ramp, and other times they dont fire. The Federals always fire, but sometimes dont get scooped out of the mag.


New member
I'm a new convert to CCI Blazers. They even cycle my finicky Ciener .22 conversion reliably, and they're as cheap as the Federal bulk pack. The absolute worst .22 ammo I've run across is the Remington Thunderbolt, some go pow! some go pop and some go phht! I've seen a few drop as much as 4 inches at 25 yards, as compared to others in the same brick. Sorry, thumbtack, just my experience.

The Federals are pretty good, but don't feed well in all semis. My 10/22 isn't particular at all, and it shoots the Federals quite well. As a bonus, the hollow point whacks small game with authority.


New member
Winchester X22lr #1 choice for me. To many years and too many bricks, worked in too many guns.

Have used the Federal 550 (#750) with good results, 22/45, 10/22, model 18, 617, marlin 60's

Master Blaster

New member
Walmart federal copper plated bulk pack seems to be the best.

The remmington golden bullets, have severe powder charge varriations, some go Bang, some go PHFFT.

Last box I bought two years ago, every 5th round failed to fire, the ones that did were noticably different for each shot.

The Federal bulk is reliable last box I fired had only 1 dud.

The winchester super x-high velocity Grey and black box with the trucated cone 36 gr bullets, these are fien in a revolver but they hang up on the feed ramp of every semi auto I own, pistol and rifle. Its the bullet style and short OAL.

for target accuracy I get CCi standard velocity, my club buys many cases and gets a bulk price of about $120 per case of 5000 rounds.

629 shooter

New member
For most of my 22 shooting I use some type of standard velocity ammo. But when it comes to the Wal Mart bulk bullets I always have a box of Federal 550 round bulk copper plated ammo in my range box. Used mostly for my Ruger Single Six - the ammo is very reliable and shoots very accurately in the Ruger.


New member
This thread is funny... .22 ammo is so variable. It really depends on lot and quality control. For example the only brick of Winchester super-X that I shot was so variable in it's powder charges, that some rounds failed to cycle in my 10/22, and all of them were 200fps slower than other brands. Remington goldens jammed in every one of my semiautos, as did almost all other brands of copper plated 36gr economy hollowpoints. Any plain lead lubed bullet functioned properly, including Winchester wildcats, remington thunderbolts and Federal Lightnings. All CCI's worked flawlessly. All 38gr higher quality hollowpoints also worked well.
I know many folks who have had exactly opposite results. Buy everything you find on sale, try them and find out for yourself.


New member
Funny "haha" or funny "peculiar?"

Different .22 rounds chrono differently for lots of different reasons.

I like the Super-X, but I like CCI blazers just as well and the'yre cheaper. So is Peters High Velocity, and good ammo.

It's like finding a shoe to fit your foot.

To be accurate, .22 ammo has to fit your chamber well AND be loaded consistently round-to-round.

Once they find a cheaper ammo that shoots well for them, many shooters weigh each round, saving those with the "average" charge for targets and using the rest for plinking (or giving to their competitors).

