Which used gun should I buy?


New member
The weapons are unfortunately more expensive in Switzerland than in the USA. I can't afford more than 450.- Swiss Francs (= about $ 350.- ). I found some used or new semiauto in 9 mm para which cost between SF 350.- and 450.- (= $ 270.- - 350.- ): which one would you buy in the list below?

Jericho 941
FN HP 35 (with alloy frame)
Helwan 920
SIG P 220
SIG P 225
S&W 39


New member
Sig P220 if for range use, and Sig 225 if you can carry concealed.

$350 is by far cheaper than we can buy either of these guns in the good old US of A.




New member
$350 is by far cheaper than we can buy either of these guns in the good old US of A.
Yes, but these are used or demonstration guns. New ones are very expensive in our country!
As a swiss citizen, I can't contradict you if you say SIG are good guns!!!
Thanks for your answer!


New member
if all the guns are in roughly the same shape "no rust ect" then i would with out a dout say one of the sig's. choose the one you like the looks and feel of.


New member
I'd jump on the P6 (225) like a hungry coyote on a steak!!! ;) :eek: :D

I've been looking for one here to go with my Walther P5, but cannot find one for less than $600US!!!! It's a distant pipe dream!! :(


New member
SIG P220 or P225 tough call. The P220 is my favorite because of caliber, but the P225 ain't far behind. I have a soft spot for single stack SIGs.



New member
Thank you all for your answers!
SIG is definitively the winner! But I have an additionnal question: if the SIGs are already sold, which one should I buy on my list? How would be your own list, from the best to the worst?


New member
Helwans seem to be relatively crappy Beretta copies.
FEG makes decent guns but some of them that I have handled have had some of the worst triggers/bar none that I have ever experienced.....including the HK VP70.

Basically the SIGs and the High Power are just sooo much better overall not to mention the quality control is likely much much better as well.



New member
Quality wise I'd go with the sig's or the Fn, But the smith should be no slouch either.I'd say go with what YOU feel most comfortable with.:cool:


New member
Either Sig for that price would be a good deal, assuming they're not beat to heck... If you can get the ammunition fairly inexpensively, I'd get the 220; otherwise the 225 would be my choice.

