Which trigger, glock or HK

Which trigger for you

  • I like the Glock and I prefer DAO/striker fired triggers

    Votes: 13 23.6%
  • I like the Glock but I prefer DA/SA triggers

    Votes: 6 10.9%
  • I like the Glock but I like SA only triggers

    Votes: 8 14.5%
  • I like the HK but I prefer DAO/striker fired triggers

    Votes: 4 7.3%
  • I like the HK and I prefer DA/SA triggers

    Votes: 19 34.5%
  • I like the HK and prefer SA only triggers

    Votes: 5 9.1%

  • Total voters


New member
In response to a discussion on another thread I'd like to take a poll.

Specifically, which trigger do you guys prefer. In answering this, don't take into account the overall platform, the caliber or anything like that. Just the trigger. Also, please list what kind of platform you prefer, specifically "I'm a DAO guy" or "I'm a DA/SA guy" or "I'm a SA guy".

Remember, things like accuracy, reliability, barrels, bore axis, grip and stuff like that should not be a factor in your decision.

Lets see what happens


New member
I like the GLOCK trigger.

Though all in all I prefer Single Action triggers in both pistols and rifles. (though my inventory may say otherwise...I still prefer SA triggers.)


New member
I like having a consistent trigger pull from shot to shot without worrying about manual safeties. I think Glock's trigger is great since the weight is light and the reset is very short. I admit that I have little experience with many of the newer DAO triggers offered by the likes of H&K and Sig. From what I understand, the trigger pulls are much lighter than typical DA trigger pulls, but the pull is the same as that of a revolver in that the trigger must be allowed to go all the way forward to reset. In that case, I can guarantee that Glock's short reset will allow for faster follow up shots and (in my opinion) greater accuracy since there is a much shorter trigger travel with the Glock.

I love Sig's DA/SA trigger in single action (almost as good as many single action only triggers), but I don't like the long heavy DA pull. I often end up pulling the first shot and then have to reposition my finger for the shorter lighter SA pulls. The DA trigger pull is smooth, but I can fire much more quickly and accurately with my Glock. It just isn't practical, and some feel its actually dangerous to cock the hammer back before the first shot. In most cases, you won't have the time to do it.


New member
I love Sig's DA/SA trigger in single action

I also.

But what I also like is how quickly I can thumb the hammer back so my first shot is essentially SA.

Only in the most dire emergency would I ever need to pull that trigger DA and then that trigger pull would likely be more of a frantic jerk of the finger and not an aimed shot.

Kind of like that movie Tom Cruise stared in with the Homie guy.


New member
But what I also like is how quickly I can thumb the hammer back so my first shot is essentially SA.

Only in the most dire emergency would I ever need to pull that trigger DA and then that trigger pull would likely be more of a frantic jerk of the finger and not an aimed shot.


While I agree it is very quick and easy to thumb the hammer back, many situations will not afford you the time to do so. I'm sure I could still hit my target if he was close enough with the longer heavier trigger pull, but it would not be as accurately as with mu Glock.

The way I see it, each bullet that leaves the barrel of my gun could potentially end at least one person's life (more if you happen to hit the driver of a car and he hits other people or crashes killing the other occupants). I don't want to accidentally kill or cripple some kid for life because I pulled a shot wide. I know with sufficient practice, one can adjust to just about anything. Given that I only have a limited time to practice, I feel much more comfortable with my ability to draw, fire, and hit my target more quickly and accurately with my Glock than any other gun. That is why my Glock 26 has been my carry gun for over 5 years now.

Don't get me wrong, I have guns that are much more accurate (Les Baer TR Special, STI Edge- not exactly a carry gun, an my Ruger GP-100), but those are for home defense and range use. My trusty little Glock goes with me everywhere else. :D


New member
Not owning an HK, I chose what I am familiar with:Glock. Specifically the set up with the minus connector and reduced power trigger spring. I find it to be fast and smooth. All my Glocks have this set up!!


Funny how the poll seems to say that most prefer the DA/SA trigger yet so few can articulate why it is preferred. My unofficial poll over 14 years at work selling guns seems to indicate that people accept the harder longer DA pull followed by the lighter SA pull, because of the perceived increase in safety. People feel they can keep the gun ready for action without the evil light short trigger "worries". I fell for the same worries long ago.

Now I have figured out that light, short, and consistent is good. Light, short, and consistent is especially good under high stress situations. My Glocks won't win bullseye matches but under high stress and when fast & accurate fire is needed, it shines. Consistent shot to shot equals consistent hits. Simple as that.


New member
Funny how the poll seems to say that most prefer the DA/SA trigger yet so few can articulate why it is preferred. My unofficial poll over 14 years at work selling guns seems to indicate that people accept the harder longer DA pull followed by the lighter SA pull, because of the perceived increase in safety. People feel they can keep the gun ready for action without the evil light short trigger "worries". I fell for the same worries long ago.

You are going to have to tell me some time how you know the reason behind other peoples choices. As for preference, what does it really matter what the reason is. Is it not possible that a person likes a traditional trigger setup for the same reason they like black cars instead of red cars, just because?

I have no doubt that some people don't like glocks because of the lack of any safety. However I also have no doubt that people don't like them because of the trigger, as currently identified by the poll. Not everyone has the same "worries" as you.


New member
Color me confused

But why on earth would anyone want a DA/SA trigger unless they saw it as some additional (perceived) safety:confused:

I saw a recent quote by proffesional trainers (LE/Military) that the only DA handguns they see in classes are those that are required by the students employers


New member
But why on earth would anyone want a DA/SA trigger unless they saw it as some additional (perceived) safety

The nice, crisp "this is how a pistol was meant to work" single action part of that equation, I would think is one reason. SA only is just as good, too, in that respect, but there are a good many designs out there that can't be had in SA only format.


The nice, crisp "this is how a pistol was meant to work" single action part of that equation, I would think is one reason.

Then the HK USP is out. The single action is far from crisp.

You are going to have to tell me some time how you know the reason behind other peoples choices.

Uh lets see maybe its because they say things like " wow that trigger sure is light, kinda dangerous without a safety don't ya think" followed by purchasing a DA/SA pistol. Others will outright say they feel better having the gun ready to go but with the DA trigger pull as defense against an AD. I do talk to my customer you know. Many spout the very BS I read on TFL everyday.



But why on earth would anyone want a DA/SA trigger unless they saw it as some additional (perceived) safety

Because the DA pull is great and the DA/SA transition is even better and because lighter, shorter, and consistent is bad. Notice how nobody answers why they like DA/SA better?

As for preference, what does it really matter what the reason is. Is it not possible that a person likes a traditional trigger setup for the same reason they like black cars instead of red cars, just because?

I would assume that if a man was going to say that his chosen guns trigger is better than my guns trigger he would have a reason other than just because. The fact is DA/SA stinks compare to even the crappy Glock trigger and you can't logically argue that....so lets say "just because".


New member
There is a reason the 1911 and Glock rule combat competition. You can get a decent and consistent trigger pull from each under 3lbs.


New member
The nice, crisp "this is how a pistol was meant to work" single action part of that equation, I would think is one reason. SA only is just as good, too, in that respect, but there are a good many designs out there that can't be had in SA only format.

But the SA pull on a DA/SA pull is not really the same creature as a single action trigger you find on a 1911. I might be able to understand the DA/SA more if you could just carry it cocked-and-locked and have a nice SA trigger pull, but you can't. You have all that slack to pick up. The whole point of SA in my book is to not have to deal with slack. If there is slack, it isn't SA, and it certainly isn't a good or crisp SA. I've shot DA/SA pistols from Sig, Ruger, HK, Beretta, and Taurus, and on every single one of them, the SA pull could only be considered "short," "light," or "crisp" compared to the DA pulls of the same pistol. No SA pull on any DA/SA pistol I've ever shot can really compare to a good 1911. That is because the 1911 has a SA pull. The SA pull on a DA/SA might technically be considered SA, but in reality is just "something squishy that releases the hammer and requires less effort than DA."

Then there is also the issue of putting two trigger pulls on one pistol. Why? Learning and maintaining a good trigger pull can be difficult enough without having to learn two trigger pulls on the same pistol. This can be largely negated by the rare breed of DA/SA that will allow you to carry cocked and locked. I carried my USP Tactical cocked and locked exclussively. Never shot a single round through it DA...not one. But even there, the trigger was nothing to brag about. Not bad by DA/SA standards, but nothing noteworthy, even by Glock's standards.


Don't forget about the DA/SA transition under stress. I don't mean only life and death stress either as competition effects me worst than others. Myself and severals friends and acquaintances noticed a low high pattern (in the first two shots) of hits on the target while shooting DA/SA weapons during competition that wasn't there with a DAO or SA guns. I was shooting a Beretta 92 at the time and when I started hammer down the first shot was always low and the second almost always very high. Subsequent rounds were well centered. This started us wondering why as it didn't happen in practice even at speed. We concluded that it was a phenomenon caused by stress. We figured that the brain, while on auto pilot, would give the same amount of pull needed for the first shot, to the second shot. I can only imagine how low and high they would be under life and death stress.

The Boss

New member
I'm new to this and have tried a vast amount of F/A's before the purchase of my G23. I fell in love with the feel of the Glock trigger. I'm looking for another F/A (in a different caliber) I'm going Glock all the way.