Which scope?


New member
I have a Ruger .338 I looking to put a scope on. One of the two scopes I'm considering is the Leupold VXII 3-9 40 and the other is a Leupold VX-II 4-12x40 Scope. Is there much difference between the two? I'm planing a griz hunt next year and that is what this rifle will be used mainly for is bear and griz......maybe moose and elk.....


New member
I've never hunted Grizzly, or anything else that could kill and eat me, but that doesn't stop me from having an opinion on the scopes. I do believe that I'd pick something with a maximum field of view for those 'difficult' times when something big and mad is close to you. I'm thinking that something like a 1X4 scope would be more what I'd want on the gun.

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
I would suggest using a 2-7x32 scope on either rifle or shotgun. 4X or 6X more than enough scope power for hunting distances and 2X for up close and personal. Any good name brand scope designed for heavy recoil will work.

I use a 1.5X fixed scope myself but that's just my personal preference, I would never be shooting beyond the range of that scope and I like the sturdiness and simplicity of the fixed power.

For the same reason I think your 40 is to much for a woods gun going after bear. Elk, deer, goat, Caribou sure but not woods and bear.


New member
I went with the 4-12 40, mainly because the 3-9 was no longer available and I don't really want to get any closer than 300 yards to any griz I shoot. The main reason I was asking is because I am not familiar with the 4-12 scopes. It is my thought it should be fine for longer shots. What say you?

After reading the posts over, guess I should have checked with the guide. Never ac cured to me I may be closer than 300 yards.......I'll see what he says.

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
What say I is you don't say what model Ruger or which .338 round you are shooting out of it but 300 yards is a long shot for a bear. You want to be close enough to ensure a killing shot or you leave a wounded bear in the forest to die a painful death if you can't track him or to be a little bit ornery if you finally do close on him.

I'm thinking if your guide has been around for awhile he will tell you pretty much the same thing. Unless you catch him out in the open or you are shooting across a valley or over open water it's unlikely you will get a 300 yard shot anyway.


New member
Ruger M77 is what it is. Wondering what difference it would make? I understand the difference in the ammo, but why would it matter when it comes the the model of the rifle? Just asking.

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
Ruger M77 is what it is. Wondering what difference it would make? I understand the difference in the ammo, but why would it matter when it comes the the model of the rifle? Just asking.

It makes a difference in how you are going to use the rifle. Just saying a Ruger M77 could mean anything from a Creedmore model to a scout rifle. One is for long range and good for that set up and long range shot and the other is for walking in heavy woods or rough terrain and is for getting up to your shoulder for a quick shot.

Saying .338 leaves it open for:
.338 Federal
.338 Lapua Magnum
.338 Marlin express
.338 Remington Ultra Magnum
.338 Ruger Compact Magnum
.338 Sabi
.338 Winchester Magnum
.338-06 A-Square
.338-06 Ackley Improved
.338-378 Weatherby Magnum

I am a .338 Federal fan, it doesn't beat you to death, has a lot of power is accurate and has an 8" drop at 300 yards. I would keep my shots at or under 100 yards.

You could use a .338 Lapua and take the beating but you can shoot your bear out to 600 yards.

You could have the .338 Weatherby, knock the snot out of you and an elephant at 600 yards but it costs $154 a box.

I'm not trying to be a wiseguy but knowing what you are shooting makes a difference.

Either way you got a great scope, I was just trying to steer you to a size that would be easier to carry for long periods in inclement weather and rough terrain and be suitable for your game. If you are young and stout and in great shape it might not make as much difference to you but when your bones get a little creaky and your legs get tired faster than they used to little details like that become important.

Good luck with the hunt and don't forget to post pictures.


New member

For the record it is a Ruger M77 Mark V in 338 win mag.

I should have said that in the beginning, I knew there are a few different types out there, just not that many. Gets too easy to just type away without putting much thought into it.

Now that I think about it, I have two other adjustable scopes and I always keep the zoom down so I can see what ever I'm shooting even if it is close. I have never used the upper part of the zoom for anything but the range......but it is nice to have if you need it.....I would think, being I have never used it for hunting.

Thanks for the input. I will keep an eye out for a 4X or 6X to try out. I have a couple other rifles I can put then on if nothing else and it seems like the collection keeps getting bigger and bigger every year! ;)