Which rimfire?


New member
I am looking to get a rimfire rifle for small game up to and including fox. Which rimfire would serve me better, 17hmr or the 22 WMR?


New member
I have both .17HMR and .22WMR rifles. I'd go with the .22WMR and keep my shots at 100-125 yards. With the new ballistic tip ammo both of my .22WMRs perform very well. I just think the .17HMR is a bit light for fox and the damage it can cause might ruin the pelt. Perhaps the .17HMR in a hollow point 20gr round might do better, but both of my .17HMRs are far more accurate using the 17gr Hornady pills. The .22WMR will give you a heavier projectile wichh can make a difference on game larger than rabbit, or squirrel. I realize there are guys out there hunting animals larger than fox with the .17. I prefer to not take the chance of wounding the animal rather than dropping it quickly. Besides, that's why we have more than caliber in our gun safes.


New member
I'd also choose the 22WMR if you are shooting that large a critter. Then shoot the smaller stuff with a 22LR. The 22LR will work also as long as you are relatively close (under 75 yds). If coyotes are in the plan, then definitely 22WMR.

Added: If you are shooting woodchucks, I'd definitely use the 22WMR. A 22LR works, but you need to make head shots or the chuck will likely get back in its burrow. They are pretty tough little animals.
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While I've killed the hell out of foxes, coyotes and feral cats with the .17HMR, I prefer the .22Mag under 150yds for those critters. I reserve the .17 for longer range and/or smaller game.


New member
in my limited experience with probably a dozen .22mags and 6 or so .17HMr's I have come to two conclusions;

1. .22 mag hits 'em harder at normal ranges ( 0- 125 yards )

2. some .17hmrs are scary accurate!!

for hunting/ varmints the .22mag would be my first choice for a rimfire cartridge, but I wouldn't feel undergunned with a .17hmr