Which powder dispencer

bill k

New member
Tired of using my RCBS scale and powder thrower. Budget, under $300.00. I only care about what I am reloading at the time, I don't care about storage of past load data. I don't mind changing out powder each time.

What i want is super accuracy.

Do I need to spend more, if i do i will.
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New member
I've never seen a dependable digital dispenser. They all have issues. Might research loading by volume instead of weight. Weight will change because of temperature and humidity. Volume will change with temperature extremes but if you are loading in a controlled environment like A/C and heat, it's not a problem. I'd suggest a powder measure using a pistol cylinder and a micrometer. Write down the setting and throw the exact same volume every time. I'm using a custom RCBS unit but I understand they are making one very similar to mine. Might give it a look.


New member
Lyman 1200DPS, I love mine. Its extremely accurate and fast. I make sure to follow its warm up procedure and when I type in 66.5gr's , it dispenses exactly 66.5gr's.


New member
I own the PACT, have used the RCBS, and seen the Lyman work. They all work pretty much the same. The very newest version of the Lyman is alleged to be the fastest of the three. With any of them there is a learning process that some folks either do not care to do, or cannot accomplish. None of them will be 100% accurate with every powder every time.

Using my PACT, I have learned to set it for + .1 grain for certain powders and -.1 grain for others, and still others meter right on most of the time. The RCBS version I used for a while was the same. The Lyman owner I know says the same goes for his. All three are faster than a volumetric measure, balance beam and trickler setup if you must have 100% accurate drops. They do not cut grains.

If I were shopping for one today I would be looking for a sale on the Lyman.

bill k

New member
"All three are faster than a volumetric measure, balance beam and trickler setup if you must have 100% accurate drops. They do not cut grains."

Am I expecting too much. Now I trickle every load, when my scale balances out my position looking at the scale might be different. So is my load off?

Do my loads need to be that precise I guess is my worry.

I don't shoot competitively but always try to win against friends.

I load in my office so I always have a constant temp.


New member
I think + or - a .1 of a grain is as close as anyone could need... I know when I trickle in charges for some of my rifle rounds, sure, just from the position I'm in when reading the scale, if the AC is on (the breeze can affect the scale minutely), there will be slight, slight differences in one charge compared to another. I wouldn't sweat a .1 difference.


New member
I've never seen a dependable digital dispenser.

Well I have. I own one. It's a combination of a RCBS powder pro digital, and a pact dispenser. Since pact made both, they work well together.


And it's under your suggested ceiling of 300$ It does NOT store the related density of different powders like the lyman and RCBS newer dispensers do. But you said that was not a problem.
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New member
Gee Snuffy, I guess you didn't read the reviews at the link you posted. Three of the seven reviews thought it was a piece of crap.


New member
"I don't shoot competitively but always try to win against friends."

Nearly all the high power shooters I know (and I know quite a few) throw their charges for 200 and 300, and only weigh their charges for 600. Some don't even do that.

Do the math and you'll probably find that an error of .1 or .2 grains just doesn't do much harm. On the other hand, if you find that your rifle (I'm assuming you're a rifle shooter) actually *is* sensitive to errors like that, then you need to work on your load some more. Google "Audette ladder method" and find many links explaining how to find a load in your rifle's sweet spot.



New member
. Three of the seven reviews thought it was a piece of crap.

Oh, like this moron?

I only read the bad reviews and they pretty much sum up my experience. Some of the experiences that have not been mentioned or detailed thus far. 1) My brand new unit had to be sent back to PACT for a software update. I had to pay for shipping. 2) If I try to dispense powder before it has warmed up (about 1-2 hours) the charges will vary by up to 2 full grains. I use this reading as a "warm-up" indicator. :( 3) I have to constantly re-zero the unit even after warm-up. Sometimes 10 times when loading 100 rounds. If it has drifted off zero at any time, it will throw a bad charge. 4) Don't bring your cell phone into the area, or it will cause the unit to throw bad charges. 5) The unit is also sensitive to other electronic devices like the TV on the other side of the wall!

A classic example of an analog individual trying to live in a digital world.

So lets see, you read 4 reviews from the top of the page, then skipped about 20 glowing, positive, reviews to read the bottom 3?