Which one?

Jack Bauer

New member
I have a couple of Sigs that I need to sell, (posted in classifieds) but I'm looking to get a carry gun in preparation for November 1 (CCW comes to Wisconsin!) I did some window shopping today and narrowed my choice down to three (in no particular order):

Smith & Wesson M&P 9 compact

Ruger SR-9 Compact

Springfield Armory XDm compact 9

I chose the 9mm due to my arthritic wrists. It's the easiest for me to shoot, while still packing a respectable punch. They all feel great in my hand, I like the ergonomics of all of them, there's not enough size difference to matter, and I can use full-size magazines with adapters as a reload if necessary.

I was able to handle and dry fire all of them in a couple of different shops today, and while all are comfortable in hand, they all have a specific "feel" to them. I should say, I've had full size versions of all these and liked them all at one time. The trigger reset isn't quite as distinct on the M&P as on the others, but I also have some reservations on the trigger safeties on the Ruger and XDm. I actually prefer the original SR9 trigger (before Ruger screwed it up and put that Glock-type trigger in it.)

I've done a lot of shooting over the last 40 years and owned a lot of guns...I'm not so much looking for recommendations, but observations of those of you who have carried any of these, or who currently count on one of them to protect you and your loved ones. I know which way I'm leaning at this point, but want to keep it to myself, looking for unbiased opinions.

Thanks all...
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Get R Done Guns

New member
Really comes down to which you like in your hand. All will work fine. If I were choosing one tomorrow, it would be the M&P. Price point is better than the XDm and not all that much more than the Ruger. Good luck with your choice. :)


I love my M&P 9c and plan to carry it come 11/1, assuming I'm still living in WI. Accurate, durable, and ergonomically friendly to most hands, this pistol is a winner.


New member
I am an XD guy from the word go, but have to admit it is the heavy end of your lot.
The smith without looking up exact would probably be the lightest but maybe a half pound from the XDm SC? Never had a complaint of Ruger. I have shot them, owned a Ruger P89. As close as I can get. As for which? I like the heavier to help take up the recoil and not fatigue my hands so much. My go to every day gun is XD40. Just bought the XD9 for the wife today as her feeling is equal to mine. Hope this helps. Good luck.


New member
I've heard alot of good stuff on the SR9c but I've never handled one.

One of my 3 carry options is the M&P 9c. It's carried in a Crossbreed Supertuck and it works very well for me. The 12+1 capacity is great (though XDm handles 13+1) plus I have a fullsize M&P 9 so I can also use the X-grip and use the 17 round magazine. For a double stack, it conceals well ... I'm in Phoenix and I wear shorts and t-shirt all the time. The M&P weighs the least amount of your three. The M&P is also the shortest in height, which is also important in a concealment weapon.

If I had to do it again I would still purchase the M&P ... it's never had an issue in 2,000+ rounds.

Good luck in your decision.


New member
Out of the three you mentioned, I like the XDm. Too bad it's the only one that is not make in the USA. I think they are all good guns and you won't go wrong either way. My second choice would be the SR9c.


New member
I got to dry fire an MP at the store.

Sights are the best I have seen (pun) other than my Sig SP2022.

I hate the trigger, but they say it will get better.

Played with the XDM but did not like it.


New member
I like Springfield XDs, but...

I think I'd go with the SR9C! I handled one the other day, I like it a little better than my Glock 26! I may just have to get the Ruger once I've got the funds to get it plus the LCR in .357, the LCP, AND...the LC9:D!

Miata Mike

New member
Hey Gary,
I think you need to get a Ruger 1911. Then when you decide to sell it I will take it off your hands. :D

What about the LC9 we had talked about a few months ago?


New member
First of all, congrats to WI for becoming the 49th state. Hopefully, one day soon, your neighbors to the south will join the Union of Free States. (I have a vested interest, as I am an IL ex-pat and hope to move back when I retire. If not, WI just made the list. :))

Next, I have owned an XD and shot an SR9. IMHO, any double stack is too fat to carry. YMMV, and if it does, good for you.

If I were going to carry a 9mm it would either be an HK P7 or a Kahr, anything from a steel MK9 to a lightweight CW9 to a pocket PM9 or CM9.

PS--the only 9mm I currently own is a PM9, although I have owned and carried many others through the years....