Which one to pick?


New member
Have an opportunity to trade for a like new S&W model 66 w/ 4 inch barrel or a S&W model 28 in same condition. I plan to carry either gun on occasion and shoot the heck out of them as much as I can.

Can anyone tell me about either model and respective values?
I get to see them tomorrow.

Thanks a bunch!!



New member
Well... I'd be inclinded to buy both.

The 66 is better for carrying. Smaller frame and stainless. The 28, being an N Frame, is better for "shooting the heck" out of.

Average price for either would be $275 --> $350, with the 66 being at the higher end of the price range and the 28 at the lower.

Handle them both and then make your decision. One of them is going to feel better to you.

If I had to choose, I'd pick the 28, but then I LOVE N Frames.

Good Luck...



New member
I'd go for the 28.
Joy to shoot with any strength load.
Quite carryable with a little thought.



New member
I'd go for the Model 66, for the following reasons:

1. Many, many more accessories (e.g. holsters, speedloaders, grips, etc.) are more easily available for the K-frame than for the N-frame (particularly concealment holsters like IWB designs). It's not that they are not available for the N-frame, but less dealers stock them, and they are made in smaller quantities by manufacturers, which makes getting hold of them problematic sometimes.

2. The K-frame is much easier to carry concealed: smaller, lighter, and a more compact grip frame.

3. The smaller grip frame on the Model 66 will be more "user-friendly" to a wider variety of hand sizes (e.g. your wife, your kids) in an emergency than the larger N-frame.

That said, I still love N-frames, and have several of my own: but I don't often carry them, due to bulk, weight and general concealability issues. If you choose the N-frame, you certainly won't be sorry, but it will be less versatile than the K-frame for everyday use.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
If money is not a problem, buy both. The S&W model
28 "Highway Patrolman" is my personal favorite N-
frame revolver; but there is absolutely nothing wrong
with the K-frame model 66. Both would serve you well.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A, Life Member


New member

I will be seeing and handling them later today. I will notify you of my choice!

I'm leaning towards the 28 for nostalgic reasons but the 66 would make more sense for carry...



New member
Everyone made great points, but I'd lean towards the 28.

Get the 28 and put money down on the 66:D

Just do it. Don't let 'em pass you by:(