Which one should I buy?


New member
My Fatherinlaw brought me 2 rifles to shot. Both are 22-250's. The Winchester XTR 70 is like new, without a scope. The Remington 700 has a nice 10x scope and looks slightly used. He wants $500 for the XTR and $600 for the Rem. 700. What do you guys think? THANKS!!!!!


He's your pop in law - the Remington should be a gift! :) Definitely too much for either for a family deal. I'd tell him thanks but no thanks. Though I'd prefer the Rem package w/ scope.


New member

Let's see - a $450 for $500 or a $500 rifle + a $50 scope for $600....

Is you father-in-law in need of money right now?




New member

1. Did you ask your FIL to sell you a rifle, or did he offer to sell them to you?
If you asked him, he probably doesn't want to sell his rifles, but would if pressed, as long as he can replace it for not much more money.

If he asked you, he either needs the money, or wants to help you, or doesnt' really know the value of his rifles. I doubt that he's trying to take advantage of the relationship. In either case, you need to tred lightly. Whether you like him or not, he's inextricably connected to your wife and if she loves him, your choices are limited here.

2. Do you like your FIL or do you want to insult him by not accepting his offer? This could be a rift-producer, no matter what you decide. If you like the rifle you choose, the money doesn't matter, but it may eat at you. If you don't like the rifle and trade it, you might cause a rift.

3. Do you want to keep peace in the family, or is a $50 savings worth sleeping on the couch for a month, or worse? Your wife is part of this deal, whether either of you want to look at it that way. You don't want to tick her off, so buy a rifle and take your lumps. That rifle could be the best shooter you've ever had, or have a burned-out barrel.

My advice: The Winchester may gain in value over the years because they're not being made any more. Can't figure why it wasn't scoped. A bolt-action .22-250 is not a rifle that anyone in their right mind would own and not put a scope on.

The Remmie may shoot better than the Winchester, but you won't know that until you scope the Winnie. Shoot the Remmie and if it's a winner, buy it and offer to give him first refusal if you ever want to sell it.



New member
Here's the deal. My FIL loves gun! He has many that he has never shot,like the XTR. He doesn't care if I buy one or not. As far as the price, they are worth that price to him. If the guns were only $50 to high, I would just buy one because I don't want to run around looking for one. But, if they are $200 to high, I will burn some gas and a couple of afternoons!


New member
I agree with FF. He's your father in law. Make him feel guilty. He should. ;) Unless he really needs the money and you want to help him out. Of the rifle choices I would take the win xtr. but theyre both nice rifles.


New member
The fixed 10 power is o.k. for prarie dogs, but outside that, I'd tell him to keep it and get a variable power. either gun is o.k. imo. What about barrel length? I'd go w/ the longer barrel if there is a difference. If you reload, shorter barrels + hot load = bright muzzle flash...:eek:


New member
I guess you would call the scope on the Rem. a variable power. You can change the setting from I think 50yards to about 400. The barrels are the same length.


New member
There's another force here. What about your kids or the kids you may have some day. Say FIL died tomorrow from a car accident. If you had one of his guns, it would be fabulous to be able to pass it on to your kids, letting them use it while they're still home, then if you pass away, it's a family heirloom.

Just a thought. Maybe you should buy both and put one away for your kid(s). Your wife will probably eat that right up!
