which one Keltec or Beretta?


New member
I had just purchased a XD 9 / 4" , I truly like it but I have decided it is a bit too big for petites to carrie as a ccw. I thought I could just keep my XD for special occasions , special places and home defense.
I've seen a Keltec P-3AT /.380 and a Beretta 3032 Tomcat that would fit my body size just right for regular daily self deffense, the man at the store said the Keltec and my sons said the Tomcat... (just as they said it) would be like flicking a bugger to the crook, of course I had a response to that (as always) but I admit it left me with the mind wondering which one of these two I should get.
Can someone help me with that decission I would so much appreciate it.
Keep in mind I am 5'2"/ 100 lbs.

michael t

New member
Boy this will start a war I would go with the Beretta over the KT. Reason (flame suit on) I think the KT has a QC problem and just aren't depenable enough. Is the TomCat perfect no Has the worst trigger pull I can think of and a little thick. But I give B better workmanship and better trade invalue. The 32 is not the best SD round but you would be suprised how many carry one. If you want a good 380 then Bersa is it. Bigger than others But still IWB carry.
I think be better off all around with aS&W J frame rev. IWB carry. Pocket carry with right pants.


New member
Most of the problems the KT's are known for a pretty benign things like the crappy trigger on the 9mm's or silde stop not engaging. Easy fixes IMO. I use Kel-Tec P32 when I cannot carry anything else. It is my last resort gun and my BUG and occasionally the primary carry when everything else is too big. I had the dealer send it back (at his expense as we agreed when I bought it should the need arise) to have the slide stop fixed because it no longer engaged on an empty magazine. In terms of firing it has been flawless with 100% function in the admittedly small 200 rounds I have put through it. Still, the quality of the materials is excellent even if now and again there is a quirk and KT does a decent job fixing it and getting it back. The Beretta 32s had issues, may still have for all I know, with either slide or frame cracking so they are not immune either. If I had it all to do over again though I think I would get the P3AT for the significant step-up in caliber from 32 but I still feel fine packing just the P32. I'd go with the NAA Guardian as well before the Beretta.


New member
I tried the Tomcat at the range once that a guy was using and he was kind enough to let me try it. Single and double action - man was it awful - and I own five Berettas so I'm not dissing the gun! :eek: I don't care for the Keltec so I agree, get a S&W J frame instead.


New member
Honestly, I'd stay away from both pistols mentioned. If you are going to carry concealed then you have to dress around the gun. Once you are dressing in a fashion to aid in conceal carry, you will have a better selection of firearms.

For something small but practical, I think the Kahr MK9 represents a better option than the KelTec or Beretta. Just my two cents...


New member
I like the Tomcat. It's a potent little package. A friend of mine who is 6'2" and 220 lbs shot mine and said, "DAMN, that's one badass little gun!!" :)
Most people's issues with the kel tec is the slide release which can be fixed by a little filing that I have done somewhere on every gun I have owned.The fact is the 40sw coversion for the p11 is not the way to go , get the real p40. The fact of having such a great defense round in a gun so easily hidden is the real kicker.They have SOME issues which like ever gun company with the will fix , but they do go bang everytime.And let's mention the fact that 9+1 of 40 s&w , come on.There is an owners group which has A LOT of info on them and a fi for every problem.Check out the P-40 and see the price , they are a great bargan and don't go buy cheap mags. also the biggest issue it the feeding which polishing the feed ramp and making sure you have the updates mags will fix.Ask owners and see what you think.