Which one is better? Post if your technique is better.

Which is better?

  • EastBloc Mil

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • Man Purse

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Big Red

    Votes: 4 28.6%

  • Total voters


New member
I shot 3 gun using AR, but I do own a couple of Chinese AKs. I've been researching the internet and asking a few of my shooting friends what they think about an AK in 3 gun, so far their advice is to use the AR platform since it is faster. I like to do some wild stuff every now and then and was wondering what are some of the ways most folks reload their AKs. You Tube had some clips and after looking them over, big red has a good idea. Just seem that big red haven't had enough coffee yet when he made his clip. What do you think?

Please vote which mag change technique is best. Scenario can be SHTF or infected populace 28 months later or just plain 3 gun matches.

EastBloc Mil

Man Purse

Big Red


New member
Oh! Darn it! You just killed my poll! :D Is that you? With a bit more practice you'll be real good... I'm joshing you man. That is outstanding! With the looks of things that boy had some coffee. josh


New member
I have to go with AK103's link.

Of the 3 Joshua posted I would go with EastBloc then Man Purse. Big Red is out. He never cycled the action.


New member
Definitely the Ebloc Mil on those choices... but bear in mind, that gentleman has probably done that a few thousand times over to get that good with it.
OK... I missed the post by AK103 too, that looks fairly quick too!


New member
They look kind of similar, try them all and see which one suits you best.

I didn't answer the poll because I'm old and bought a couple of 100 round mags B.C. (before clinton) so I don't have to change them as often.


the 100 rounders threw the whole ballance off for me 30 or 40 rounders worked better for me in both my Poly and Norinco of the 1974 vintage. I'll wager that in the full auto with the 100 rounder would be in it's element.


New member
I have a 75 round drum, although it is nice for saving on reloading it makes my 16.5" chicom AK not very manueverable. The drum goes great with my long barreled NHM-91. I think the dude in AK103K's post is very good using his thumb and pull on the empty, with the fresh mag ready for a hook and snap mount. Big red has a great technique in which he needs to refine to make it smoother. Remember smooth is quick, just need more coffee on the movement. I think it is suicide making a tactical reload with an objective to secure the old or empty mag, it Man Purse's situational awareness deems there are no immediate bad guys to rush him then securing the old mag is right on, he did look tough after he made the reload :D. The EastBloc Mil dude is quick and and very snappy, I suppose the half second visual on the port is to ensure no jams on his actions. To what I see the grab a fresh mag and releasing the old mag either with thumb or sweep with the fresh mag is an excellent technique. A good modification to the AK will probably need a slightly extended lever for the mag. Another technique I'm analyzing is when holding the rifle at firing position in which the support hand is usually close to the release. At hearing the hammer drop on the empty, hopefully it doesn't get to that stage where you hear the empty chamber. While pointing the muzzle down, simultaneously strip the old mag and let fall to the ground and with the down stroke of the supporting hand stripping the old mag going directly for the fresh mag. Thinking the fresh mag will be by my left side of the torso or thigh. Now with the fresh mag in the supporting hand, with one fluid motion latching and snapping the mag while simultaneously bringing the rifle up to firing position. Pointing the rifle down makes the travel of the fresh mag shorter thus shortening the time, and the insertion while bringing up whould also cut down in time. Does it matter to most folks? To most folks, it doesn't matter as long as they look tacticool in doing it. josh


New member
The boy with the man bag is actually doing what I would call the "tactical" reload and I think, doing the right thing, by stashing the mag (when possible). All the others are doing the "Oh, Scheiße" type reload.

Personally, I'd put the extra speed into my feet and get to cover or transition to my pistol if that wasnt possible. A fast mag change is not a bad thing, but not necessarily the right thing, unless its the only available option.

The AK's are actually not anywhere near as bad as you always hear from the "experts". With just a minimal amount of practice, 99.9% of the complaints go away, and you can pretty much do everything your told you cant, with your hand still on the grip. The only thing that I think is a necessary accessory, is a Ultimak rail and an Aimpoint. Other than that, its fine as it comes.

One thing you may want to watch out for, and it probably wouldnt hurt to "force" to happen so you know what to do with it, is THE worst AK mag malfunction going. They tend to be rare if you reload using your left hand (if your right handed), but they can still occur.

If you dont get the front of the mag set before you rock it back, the tail at the rear can and will still lock up and the mag will not be inserted right and the bolt will not strip a round off the mag. When you go to release it, you'll find it wont release, no matter how hard you try. The only way to get it out, is to put the butt on the ground and kick the mag out (towards the ground). Its not a fun thing when it happens, but it can and I'm sure if your using your rifle physically and aggressively, it will at some point, so its best to be prepared for, or at the very least, aware of it.


I'm not sure, but I *think* that the Mall Ninja (AK103's link) is also doing the "big red" (pushing the release lever and the old mag out with the new mag), but faster and releasing the bolt. In any event, I have to vote for that one - it's the fastest.


New member
I agree, they are both doing the same basic thing. The "ninja" is doing it correctly in my opinion, as he is stroking the bolt right after the mag change, which assures that the rifle is ALWAYS loaded when your done. This is the standard drill for any rifle without a BHO device and should ALWAYS be done, whether its a tactical reload or an empty gun. If you program that into your brain, your a lot less likely to hear a "click" when your done.

The other thing the "ninja" is doing correctly is loading from what he intends to carry his reloads in. If "big red" always carries his spares in his back pocket, then he is too. :)


New member
Well its an AK so u will probebly miss yr target with the first 30 rds, id say these are great instruction for all ak users lolol ( lol I am certified AK hater,but only after owning one)


New member
Why JohnnyWinslow, are you not feeling so daisy with your AK? I know that most AKs don't have benchrest match accuracy, but before you deem that your AK is not accurate feed it quality ammo and not that $2.50 per 20 surplus. josh