Which new gun?


New member
Background: I am 18. I cannot legally on a handgun. My family owns a large number of firearms. My father carrys because he owns a business and needs to keep large amounts of money on him to restock the registers in a hurry so he doesn't have to go back to the safe. He doesn't shoot but maybe a time or two every 2-3 years. I am the one that cleans the guns, stores them, and I am the one that shoots them. My grandparents own a large farm that provides me with a lot of room to have my own outdoor firing range (up to appox 300yards if needed). Just about every christmas I get a new gun. I say I because I am about the only one that uses/cares for them and when I become of age the will legally be mine.

I cannot decide what I want this christmas. If pistol, I think I want something in .357Sig. I like HK because you can beat'em, drop'em, drown'em, drag'em, and they still perform. But I like to spread my collection out. I already have a hk (.40sw compact). I was thinking maybe glock or sig.

What do you guys think about this caliber/gun setup?

Any other caliber/gun setup?Maybe .45?

PS-The one a year thing is great and no my parents will no adopt you.

Dave D

New member
If you want something you can really drop in the mud, swim with, kick around and still use, the Glock has my vote.


New member
That's a tough one! (It used to be that way at my house, before I turned 20 and moved out... ten years ago! :) )

I'm not sure I'd want a 357sig if I already had a .40. I'd go for something completely different in a new pistol and get the .357sig barrel from Jarvis for your HK Compact. Also, Glock and HK kinda favor (IMO!) so that's not too different either. But lets do it this way...

You should have a BIG gun, because every man should have one big gun.
Then you need a medium gun, for concealed carry, but PLENTY of gun if you need it.
Next comes a small gun, for when you can't carry the medium gun, but still want adequate protection,
Maybe a tiny gun, for last ditch backup etc...
and at least one fishing/camping/hiking gun, probably a revolver, that it wouldn't break your heart or pocketbook if it got badly scratched or fell in the lake, etc.

That's how I do it, anyway...

The USP40 compact would go in the Medium category, even though I think Glocks fit better in this category, because of the weight. Which one do you want next? You've still got 3 years before you can carry, so I'd imagine the BIG gun would be next.

Hope this helps!


New member
I'll second the barrel idea. Just grab a Jarvis or Bar Sto for your .40 and you are a happy camper. HK does not make a .357 SIG in full sized, so another compact might be a little redundant. If you want to stay with HK, I would say get a Tactical in .45 for a bigger gun, or a P7 in 9mm for a smaller one.

If you are open to other options, you might even want to look at a big framed revolver... that would balance out very well with a compact semi-auto.


Try a sig 220 or 245.Think you might be very happy with either.I do preffer the 220 myself.

Bob--- Age and deceit will overcome youth and speed.
I'm old and deceitful.

Steve Smith

New member
I'm seeing lots of guns getting banned. I'd go for something that might not be available in the future. We're talking next year they'll be gone. G3's and STG-58's are good ones to grab, in my mind. Check out www.aimsurplus.com for this stuff. They are mighty nice rifles for the money, and "evil" as can be.


New member
You sound like you enjoy shooting and are level headed when it comes to firearms in general.

You already own a .40, 357 sig barrels can be fitted to one. I feel you owe it to yourself to own at least one 45. My choice would be one of the fine 1911A1's available from either Springfield Armory or Kimber.

Of all the handguns I own or have owned (Sig, Glock, Ruger, Taurus etc) I like shooting my Springfield Armory 1911A1 the best and is the only one I have that will never be sold or traded.

It's neat that your parents allow you to experience the fun of firearms and learn to respect them. No, I don't think they would want an old ugly bald headed man as an adopted son :)


[This message has been edited by Bandit (edited September 15, 2000).]

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Here's another vote for a Sig. Perhaps, a 220 in .45ACP, or a 226 in .357 Sig, or
even a 228 in 9m/m? Let us know what you

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
I think it is time to see if a 1911A1 fits your hand. If it does you may develope a relationship that will last your lifetime. If for some reason the 1911A1 doesn't suit you give a Browning High-power a spin. Either way you will become hooked on single action semiautomatics. Regards, Richard.

Bob Locke

New member
I like the advice about "get one big gun", especially since you already have one that will serve you well as a concealed carry piece should you decide to do so in the future.

I would get either a Glock 21 or a revolver chambered for .44 magnum or .45 LC, based on what you have told us here.