Which is more scary?

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New member
Faced with someone using these guns, who would you be more afraid of?

A. The guy carrying this gun?

B. The guy carrying this gun?

Assuming you know nothing about the other person.


New member
Some would say the old beat up gun has been used often, and the owner is well practiced.

I would stop, carefully examine the slide, and figure the Wilson is more carefully crafted, and fear the Wilson.

Sometimes, it is hard for the targeted person to think fast.



New member
The "Wilson Combat guy" probably knows what he's doing. Your typical stupid criminal would not have such an expensive pistol...But this is a rather strange question anyway.

Mark B

New member
Shoot the guy with the shotgun first!! Oh wait...wrong thread sorry...:D

I wouldn't want to be looking at the business end of either one of those. I'm sure the bang from the Taurus would be just as loud as the bang from the Wilson.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
No true surfer of the gun related internet forum would be frightened by either gun.

Seriously, I don't think the poop in my pants would vary much by the appearance of either gun.

It is a strange question.

Elmer Keith said something like a 22 isn't scary until it is pointed at you.


New member
I would be more scared of the dude with this gun:


Why? Because he's obviously not real well off in the world, likes to take risks, doesn't care much about anything, clearly doesn't have much to lose and is likely to shoot you for general purposes (probably for your wallet).




New member
When you're staring down the hole at the end of the barrel, you won't be thinking, "well, it's not a Wilson, so I'm not worried."

I'd be plenty scared by both guns.


New member
"Hey Honey, which gun makes me look scarier? The silver one one or the black one?"

"The black one"

"Ugh! But that one doesn't match my shoes!!!"


Uncle Giggles

New member
Which one would I be more more scared of...


Walking around during the day, the Wilson, because the first thing a 2-Tone 1911 says to me is "Custom! This guy knows his guns!"

Walking around at night, the Wilson again, because the only part of a full black Taurus I'd be able to see at night is the muzzle flash right before I hit the ground. At least the Wilson might reflect some light off the shiny areas and let me know to either fight or hit the fence.

Now, if someone drew either of those guns in my house... well... that's another story :D Neither one would scare me too much. I've got a Springfield .45 with 13 230-gr JHP's under the bed, my roommate directly across the hall has a Benelli Supernova 12ga. with pistol grip loaded with 3.5" shells, roommate down the hall has an Alexander Arms AR-15 with the 6.5mm Grendel upper receiver and scope (not that a scope would much help indoors...), and the roommate downstairs has a Remington 20ga. semi-auto.
Talk about being slightly outgunned... I feel sorry for any stranger who draws a firearm in my house :cool:


New member
Faced by someone carrying a gun and all you most likely will see is the bore and it will look like the Lincoln Tunnel.


New member
In all honesty, . . . the last time a guy pointed a 1911 at me and demanded money, . . . I really did not focus on the paint job, . . . the grips, . . . whether the safety was on or off, . . .

I was really too busy looking at the .45 cal hole in the front of the barrel that suddenly seemed to be something like 45 mm in size.

He got the money, . . . I got away, . . . guess all is well that ends well.

May God bless,



New member
You can't judge a book by it's cover...

Just because a guy is holding a certain gun doesn't necessarily mean anything about him. If he is a criminal the gun may very well be stolen.
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