Which in your opinion is best for home-defense?

Which, in your opinion, is best for home defense?

  • Carbine

    Votes: 6 10.7%
  • Shotgun

    Votes: 26 46.4%
  • handgun

    Votes: 18 32.1%
  • Other (Explain)

    Votes: 6 10.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
To my way of thinking, the best gun for home defense is (drumroll please) ... the gun you can get to in a hurry and use efficiently.

Whether or not that's a shotgun, a rifle, or a handgun depends entirely upon you and your own unique circumstances. For me, it's a handgun, and you can find the long-winded reasons at this link: http://www.corneredcat.com/FirstGun/handgun.aspx



New member
I selected the Carbine.

My definition of a "carbine" is a repeating rifle with a 16-18" barrel that fires a light to medium caliber cartridge. Something light and quick handling. e.g. M1 Carbine, bullpup semiauto, a short lever action carbine, etc.

The carbine usually has sufficient power to handle CQB chores. Its light weight makes it easier to hold and the shorter size means it's easier to wield in smaller spaces.

The carbine, even in a pistol caliber, will increase velocity and hitting power. With a rifle cartridge, the power is greatly increased.

A shotgun offers a good compromise between power and hitting ability. The larger zone of contact favors the shotgun user, but if too many pellets miss it's not as effective.
I voted "Other." None are best, each has their role and place. Each is different, and knowing how to recognize and utilize that difference to your advantage is the key. Your level of training will impact the issue, along with a host of other factors. No best, just different.


New member
I like the idea of my 870 throwing 10 pellets of 000 buck at one time. By the time it's empty, it has shot 70 pellets that are a little bit bigger in diameter than a 9mm bullet. 105 pellets of 00 buck :)



New member
I have to agree with pax on this.
The gun you have closest at hand and that you are the best with.
I love my old Winchester 1300 defender, but I have my P90 well with in reach at all times.


New member
How about doing a combo,that way if you lose your shotgun then you still have an option,other than talking your way out of a jam.If you can clip the rig and grab the shotgun,if not then grab the handgun.


Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Your mind and a plan. Any of the guns would work. So have them all and train and practice with them. Pax's work is a good starting point.



A shotgun or rifle takes both hands to use. It's also cumbersome in tight quarters and doesn't hold as many rounds as a handgun. Yea, a shotgun is a lot of firepower and the BG is supposed to faint dead away at the sound of a pump being racked - but it takes time and room to bring into play and takes room to properly store.


A shotgun or rifle takes both hands to use. It's also cumbersome in tight quarters and doesn't hold as many rounds as a handgun.

Now that depends on which shotgun and carbine you're talking about, doesnt it? My AR carbine holds a hell of a lot more rounds than my Sig 226...and my Mossberg 590A1 hold far more rounds than any of my revolvers and just as many as my single stack 1911.

Like has been said a bazillion times before, I will use my pistol to fight my way to my rifle or shotgun. Preferably my carbine. And carbines being cumbersome in tight quarters is untrue. Unless by "tight quarters" you meant a phone booth or a jam-packed subway train! :D
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New member
My prefered home defense weapon is a short barreled pump shotgun loaded with birdshot. Don't laugh. A close range hit (15-20 feet) to the head or torso is pretty dang nasty ( I have seen several pictures :barf: ) and the birdshot also has a minimal chance of penetrating thru walls and/or the perp.


New member
I have a handgun and a shotgun next to me when I sleep. I always laugh when people talk about "racking" their shotgun to scare people away. :rolleyes: If a BG is in my house he will be lucky to hear the "click" from the safety of my 870. My house is small, and giving away my position to a possibly armed intruder isn't a smart idea to me.