Which Handgun?


New member
I finally completed my CCW course and submitted the paperwork to the Sheriff department. I can't wait to get my card. Being that it is winter and it is very cold here, concealing most guns is easy this time of year. Summers on the other hand are quite warm and therefore concealing guns beomes trickier.

I have two handguns right now that I should able to carry hidden in warm weather, one is an old Colt Snubbie in .32 S&W Long. I also have an older Beretta Semi Auto in .32ACP. I know both guns and cartridges have limitations, but do you think either one would be any better? I do tend to shoot the revolver a bit better.

I am saving money to buy a better small concealment pistol. But until then do you think the small revolver or small auto would be better?


New member
Myself, I'd take the Beretta with me. But whatever you feel more comfortable with is what you'll end up carrying. My first carry gun was a .32acp. Now its usually a .40 or bigger.
I would think the revolver might be a little better. It should have a little more penetration. I sometimes do carry a Beretta TomCat in .32 It is easy to conceal in hot weather. I prefer to carry a Sig P6 most of the time. Sometimes in the winter I switch to a Sig P226.

It is better to carry what you shoot better and are most comfortable with. I prefer to carry pistols I have shot often and can hit the target well enough with using sights or just natural point of aim.


New member
I agree with the comment "carry the one you shoot better." For self defense, round placement and the speed at which you can come on target are more important than the specific ballistics of the round you're going to fire. Keep in mind that one of the most common guns used by professional assassins is a 22. I'm a wheel gun guy so for me the choice is easy.


New member
+1 Revolver
Snubbies are very easy to conceal and you answered your own question when you said you shoot it better than the .32


general protection; carry guns...

If you want a simple, well made, dependable carry gun, I'd suggest the new Ruger LCR .357magnum, the new S&W Bodyguard .38spl(with laser-aimer), the S&W 442 .38spl, or maybe the Ruger SP101 .357magnum(DA only).
Some small DA revolvers could be safely fired from inside the coat pocket(only in dire extremes). You could also add a Crimsontrace lasergrip, www.Crimsontrace.com .
You can use +P or +P+ .38spl rounds or the more powerful .357magnum.
A small semi-auto like a P239 SIG Sauer/DAK in .357sig or maybe a Kahr in .40 or 9x19mm could work well but for your stated uses, I think a DA only J frame/LCR would make more sense.


New member
From the sounds of your post I'd go with the Colt Snubbie. But I'm partial to Snub revolvers. As mentioned you do shoot it better and revolvers in general are very reliable.


New member

The 32 is so small a cartridge ,you'll want everyone to fire if you ever need it too-no cycling problems with a revolver.


New member
I prefer auto's, but that being said, agree with those who say carry what you shoot best as the chances of needing more than six are 'usually' not that great.

I prefer auto's because I intend on shooting competition in 2011 in the auto category (and a 9mm auto is my CCW piece).

-Happy New Year to all!